Fellow 64digitians, something has happened.. something that is tragic.
Zaney Boy, better known as Obelisk Affected, has come up missing. I was getting worried after not hearing word from him in 5 days. I decided to do some research on the matter.Talking to Asterisk and Zalerisk, I have found that he hasn't been in school since the 5th of October. Before the matter, Zane was talking about suicide alot. And I mean alot. He really couldn't take it it seemed. BTW, Zane is fine, and this whole blog is a hoax. If you don't catch this edit by ludamad you really aren't reading things before you comment.Now, I'm not saying he committed suicide, but there is definately a possibility. We don't know what's happened yet, but we can only assume the worst sometimes.-Kenon. Drenched in Cold Beer.EDIT: Since Ludamad is a cold man, I have to shamefully plug in more info about Zombeez.Zombeez now has a triangle feature, which I made overpowered at first. Now it's balanced. Adding in Turret, then making video #2. There are many positive reviews of it, especially from REZ and Aeron. Aeron is now doing the music since my musician is missing. Well, off to work on Zombeez.
Canada allows gay marriage.And it hasn't been illegal since the 70s,in which Trudeau stated"The government has no place in the bedroom"
Took long enough.Seriously,all you homophobes.So many state that they hate seeing 2 guys slurping each other up…I'd have to agree.But do you like seeing that happen with heteros?Duno,but that seems kinda peverted if you like to see people groping each other's asses.And so,keep it in the bedroomGovernment has no right in people's personal lives. They are only to be used as a will of the people, which we don't realize anymore, and never to interfere with how a person acts at home.
I don't think you mean, "Trudeau," I think you mean "Thoreau." That's who I was talking about, too.Geez, go from suicide to government…Gay marriage is very much "outside the bedroom". It affects taxpayer's money.
And I mean in any way that doesn't equal that of a heterosexual caseOh,and by 70s,I mean they could charge you for taking it up the ass(and I think they also allowed for more sexual acts for the heteros too)Kilin: He means Trudeau.
Huh…I confused it for Thoreau because he talked about where the government stands in a person's life. I s'pose "Trudeau" relates more to the topic, hm?This blog is becoming sickening. Way to go Ludamaster.Zombeez looks really cool!
Hey guys. Sorry to ruin the fun.
Thank you for your kind words, Luda.Love ya zane.