Christmas Avatars + R:HE "Under the Cloak".

Posted by Kenon on Nov. 12, 2007, 5:41 p.m.

Quote: Convo: Kenon, REZ, Zane
- ζane says:

I want Julius to be reindeer :(

- ζane says:

then Spike could be satan (he could have three hats)

- ζane says:

and REZ could be the grinch

- ζane says:

or REZ could be a tree, and JakeX could be the grinch.

Kenon says:

then Spike could be satan

Kenon says:


- ζane says:


Edgey Rezzie says:

Oh yeah, I forgot about that other famous holiday character… satan.

Kenon says:


Kenon says:

Now I HAVE to make a spike-satan now.

Edgey Rezzie says:

see what you did zane?

- ζane says:

No need to, I thought he was already satan.

Edgey Rezzie says:

he might actually finish it too D=

- ζane says:

….OMG znowai

Edgey Rezzie writes:


Kenon says:


- ζane says:


Edgey Rezzie says:

If kenon finishes that sprite, I'll make havocs end into a porno
Here's the sprite.

Better start on it, REZ.

Ok, onto a different point. Everyone's favorite season is on it's way. Christmas Season. For all you Canadians out there, Christmas is that time of year where Jesus comes down from heaven and gives a mountain of presents to George W Bush, who then distributes them to non-terrorists via his Santabots. And as everyone knows, we need to have an official thing for our Christmas Themed Avatars. Last year it was the Santa Hat. What will it be this year? Will it be Elfs? Or reindeer? Or Hannukah? Or even Slight Typos gone horribly wrong (Santa typos to Satan)?



What will our christmas themed avatars use as their kicker?

  • Reindeer Chars

  • Elf Hats

  • Santa Hat again

  • Typo gone wrong

  • Other (Specify)


  • Comments

    V 17 years, 4 months ago

    Aaaah, crap. Another discussion over America and it's frooby ways on believing it's the best. Count me out, my country fucked things up enough as it already is. o_o

    JW 17 years, 4 months ago

    " Sk8, if everyone started thinking like you, America would fall apart"

    That'd be cool, our thinking would let you all become homeless.

    frenchcon1 17 years, 4 months ago

    Santa hat and/or snow.

    Tyranic-Moron 17 years, 4 months ago

    Snow - easier for those of us who don't have a character in our Avatar.

    Also, why is there an almost complete lack of animated avatars on 64D now? There used to be loads >_>

    Castypher 17 years, 4 months ago

    Wow, what's the big deal over nationality these days? Who freaking cares? Are people being nationalists? No. Nobody's saying their country's better or anything, so just cool it.

    I don't agree with everything the US does, okay? And I don't agree with everything another country does. But if I have a problem with another country, I keep to myself. Obviously, we're not all the same.

    <font size="5"></b>SO FORGET NATIONALITY FOR ONCE</b></font>


    Also, why is there an almost complete lack of animated avatars on 64D now? There used to be loads >_>
    OH NOEZ! Minimalism is taking over the site!

    Polystyrene Man 17 years, 4 months ago

    Also, why is there an almost complete lack of animated avatars on 64D now? There used to be loads >_>
    Yeah, I miss my blinking-eye avatar [:(]

    But this one is more psychedelic.

    Castypher 17 years, 4 months ago

    The first time I looked your avatar for long enough, I was all…

    "Wtf, fif he just blink?!"

    sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

    Yeah, I loved that one PSM. You could always just psychedelic it up. Pixeling on LSD woohoo.