Quote: Convo: Kenon, REZ, Zane
- ζane says:I want Julius to be reindeer :(- ζane says:then Spike could be satan (he could have three hats)- ζane says:and REZ could be the grinch- ζane says:or REZ could be a tree, and JakeX could be the grinch.Kenon says:then Spike could be satanKenon says:WTF- ζane says:santa*Edgey Rezzie says:Oh yeah, I forgot about that other famous holiday character… satan.Kenon says:GreatKenon says:Now I HAVE to make a spike-satan now.Edgey Rezzie says:see what you did zane?- ζane says:No need to, I thought he was already satan.Edgey Rezzie says:he might actually finish it too D=- ζane says:….OMG znowaiEdgey Rezzie writes:JK!Kenon says:=O- ζane says:awwEdgey Rezzie says:If kenon finishes that sprite, I'll make havocs end into a porno

other - Make our avatars various clips of Mr. hankie the christmas poo.
@George, I see nothing wrong with my general idea of thinking.

that'll be my avatar.*points at Santa's hat avatar*
Merbs didn't you have a walking dog one with a hat?
There you go. Snowy Reidak, that's my contribution to christmas-winter themed avatars.
" Sk8, if everyone started thinking like you, America would fall apart" Everyone suddenly only means america, eh?
Hey, i totally don't like America, I would rather leave this shit hole country and its shitty ideas behind, go start a new life somewhere else. Lennon came to America once, you know what happened to him? He was killed by some fucker who spent too much time reading a god damned book.