Christmas Avatars + R:HE "Under the Cloak".

Posted by Kenon on Nov. 12, 2007, 5:41 p.m.

Quote: Convo: Kenon, REZ, Zane
- ζane says:

I want Julius to be reindeer :(

- ζane says:

then Spike could be satan (he could have three hats)

- ζane says:

and REZ could be the grinch

- ζane says:

or REZ could be a tree, and JakeX could be the grinch.

Kenon says:

then Spike could be satan

Kenon says:


- ζane says:


Edgey Rezzie says:

Oh yeah, I forgot about that other famous holiday character… satan.

Kenon says:


Kenon says:

Now I HAVE to make a spike-satan now.

Edgey Rezzie says:

see what you did zane?

- ζane says:

No need to, I thought he was already satan.

Edgey Rezzie says:

he might actually finish it too D=

- ζane says:

….OMG znowai

Edgey Rezzie writes:


Kenon says:


- ζane says:


Edgey Rezzie says:

If kenon finishes that sprite, I'll make havocs end into a porno
Here's the sprite.

Better start on it, REZ.

Ok, onto a different point. Everyone's favorite season is on it's way. Christmas Season. For all you Canadians out there, Christmas is that time of year where Jesus comes down from heaven and gives a mountain of presents to George W Bush, who then distributes them to non-terrorists via his Santabots. And as everyone knows, we need to have an official thing for our Christmas Themed Avatars. Last year it was the Santa Hat. What will it be this year? Will it be Elfs? Or reindeer? Or Hannukah? Or even Slight Typos gone horribly wrong (Santa typos to Satan)?



What will our christmas themed avatars use as their kicker?

  • Reindeer Chars

  • Elf Hats

  • Santa Hat again

  • Typo gone wrong

  • Other (Specify)


  • Comments

    V 17 years, 4 months ago

    other - Make our avatars various clips of Mr. hankie the christmas poo.

    sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

    @George, I see nothing wrong with my general idea of thinking.

    Polystyrene Man 17 years, 4 months ago

    They were planned. Behind the scenes.

    Cesar 17 years, 4 months ago

    that'll be my avatar.

    marbs 17 years, 4 months ago

    *points at Santa's hat avatar*

    sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

    Merbs didn't you have a walking dog one with a hat?

    Josea 17 years, 4 months ago

    There you go. Snowy Reidak, that's my contribution to christmas-winter themed avatars.

    ludamad 17 years, 4 months ago

    " Sk8, if everyone started thinking like you, America would fall apart" Everyone suddenly only means america, eh?

    Josea 17 years, 4 months ago

    Everyone suddenly only means america, eh?
    You know how American's minds work. They think they ARe the world, and the rest just can go to the fuck.

    World ISN'T only United states of America (it doesn't deserver to be called America, America is a big continent with a lot more countries than the USA)

    sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

    Hey, i totally don't like America, I would rather leave this shit hole country and its shitty ideas behind, go start a new life somewhere else. Lennon came to America once, you know what happened to him? He was killed by some fucker who spent too much time reading a god damned book.