4 days for a demo?

Posted by Kenon on May 27, 2008, 1:32 p.m.

My mind is racing. I'm going to attempt the impossible: Work on PLatformed enough to make a decent demo.

How hard will this be? It will be very hard. I'll have to make all the animations I'll need, resprite Blaster and his animations, make pretty effects, program the battle system (I have confirmed how it will be, the programming will be the hard part XD. Not that hard though.), make some cutscenes, and package this all in!

Well, I need a challenge, and hopefully, today's my final day of school. A demo might be out at the start of June. If it is, then rejoice; PLatformed will not be delayed.

I'm not planning on failing this demo shot though. The window will be perfect for testing my abilities.

Anyways. Wish me luck.


Kenon 16 years, 9 months ago

Read some comments up.