Is a pretty cool guy.
We talked for like 3 hours today in person nonstop it felt like. Holy shit.What did we talk about? Shit, I don't remember, there was so much! The past, Source, all these cool topics that are just amazing. AMAZINGS I TELLS YA.Anyways there's this club at UT called EGADS, which stands for something to do with game design. Pretty cool, but my niche is source level design and level design in general. So I may ask about joining up, out of needing a hobby, although I'm not certain as of this moment.Classes are really cool. That last blog I posted was a rough draft for one of the problems of my homework assignment. I've done the others. They're pretty cool. Though I don't quite get how I can solve solve 1+2+…+n=n(n+1)/2 from the following image.

damnit why did you put my picture on 64D
DesertFox made my day.
What is RawrSpoon doing on my computer screen?
This blog, I approve of it :D
What I understood from this blog: talking to 64D people IRL is incredibly awesome
I must meet up with every single one of you and talk to you.Ronnica's meet and greet is slowly coming true.
Can we wait until I'm on my world tour though?
^ Same. Though, mine won't be quite as epic as a music-related tour.