You call that Erotica?! You Red Team ladies wouldn't know how to write erotica if

Posted by Kenon on Sept. 5, 2010, 11:45 p.m.

I think the whole genre is silly as some of the hats in TF2. So logically I'm going to write one. Here it goes.

Extravisual was up late at night, browsing his favorite website. Inspired by a recent blog written by a female member of the site whose name was Ronnica, he coined the brilliant and sexy idea to write the best erotica the site had ever seen. Being a closet erotica reader, he popped open his steamy novels as inspiration as he began writing.

"Hehe", he mumbled, "This is perfect. I can pass it off as if I don't know much about erotica, so no one will laugh at me!"

Thirty minutes later, he had finished his steamy blog, about gay men and Ronnica and a sentient car. The sheer eroticness of his story was too much for him to take. Extravisual had become infinitely erect simply by writing his hidden fantasies.

Just then, a knock came in on his bedroom door. Extravisual opened it slowly and cautiously, making sure his erect penis was not visible to the person on the other side of the door. To his surprise, it was Ronnica on the other side. Extravisual's erect penis became super-erect, and he couldn't hide it anymore. The idea of her being impregnated by the car had flown into his head. He invited Ronnica in, and she gave him a lusty look. When she was in his bedroom, he closed the door, revealing his massive hardon.

Ronnica saw Extravisual's throbbing penis through his shorts, and gave him a shocked but lusty look. Extra quickly changed the topic and showed her his newest blog, before he posted it. Ronnica read through it, emotions of horniness and lust showing on her face as she reached the climax of the story.

"I wish you had wrote more," Ronnica entrusted to Extravisual. "Its really making me feel… hot. But no one must know."

An awkward tension filled the room. Extravisual, still erect, was longing for Ronnica, whereas Ronnica was longing for her car. In a meek voice, Extra asked Ronnica, "Want to recreate the scene?" Ronnica squealed in joy, secretly longing for this to happen.

Extra then went into his closet, grabbed a cosplay outfit of a car, and proceeded to begin the reenactment in his room. He walked behind her, and said:

"Ronnica," he said, "I have come for you."

She spun around. There was Extravisual, dressed as her car, standing upright. His penis, disguised as a drive shaft, was erect and pointing at her. It had to have been 8 inches long.

"What…. You're my car…" she stammered, with a tone of secret excitement.

"Yes. I am your car. It is time for you to make my babies."

He grabbed her, twisted her around, and pulled off her pants…….

Edit: Oh yeah and it's sorta based on a true story.


flip 14 years, 6 months ago

That was the best blog I have ever read. I actually laughed the whole time.

Extravisual 14 years, 6 months ago

You know my secret! I'll just have to kill you all……

DesertFox 14 years, 6 months ago


noshenim 14 years, 6 months ago


Castypher 14 years, 6 months ago

I think the whole genre is silly as some of the hats in TF2
Piss headband.

Rob 14 years, 6 months ago

A fapworthy story.

Vance_Kimiyoshi 14 years, 6 months ago

I came. 20 times.

Rob 14 years, 6 months ago

Pah. Only 20? I came 23 times.

DFortun81 14 years, 6 months ago


Josea 14 years, 6 months ago

hahahaha :D