UT Austin Shooter

Posted by Kenon on Sept. 28, 2010, 4:50 p.m.

Around 8:30 cst, a person dressed in all black, armed with an AK-47 entered Perry-Castaneda library. He went to the 6th floor and shot himself. His name was Colton, and he was a Mathematics major.

At 8:30, guess what I was doing.

Go on, guess.

I was in my room getting ready for class. I had just watched some youtube video and I was getting dressed, ready for my 9:00 class (actually, I just remembered, it's actually a 9:30 class!).

The siren was loud, so I was like "EH", and just went to the elevator at 8:45 and then I found out I was locked inside.

For 4 hours.


NO class today. No one was injured by bullets, only one person died, the "gunman", who just killed himself.

With an ak47 might I add.


Juju 14 years, 5 months ago

Probably an AK47 clone with a semi-auto trigger group.

Kenon 14 years, 5 months ago

My ghost would be too lazy to write a post-mortem blog.

Zarniwooop 14 years, 5 months ago

Why the hell are people allowed to buy assault weapons in this country? They're illegal for hunting anyway, so what reason is there to sell them?

Lapixx 14 years, 5 months ago


MMOnologueguy 14 years, 5 months ago

Why the hell are people allowed to buy assault weapons in this country? They're illegal for hunting anyway, so what reason is there to sell them?
For shooting Mexicans trying to cross the border SECOND AMENDMENT HERP DERP