Around 8:30 cst, a person dressed in all black, armed with an AK-47 entered Perry-Castaneda library. He went to the 6th floor and shot himself. His name was Colton, and he was a Mathematics major.
At 8:30, guess what I was doing.Go on, guess.I was in my room getting ready for class. I had just watched some youtube video and I was getting dressed, ready for my 9:00 class (actually, I just remembered, it's actually a 9:30 class!).The siren was loud, so I was like "EH", and just went to the elevator at 8:45 and then I found out I was locked inside.For 4 hours.WITH THE INTERNET.NO class today. No one was injured by bullets, only one person died, the "gunman", who just killed himself.With an ak47 might I add.
Probably an AK47 clone with a semi-auto trigger group.
My ghost would be too lazy to write a post-mortem blog.
For shooting Mexicans trying to cross the borderSECOND AMENDMENT HERP DERP