Platformed News! You can be in it!

Posted by Kenon on June 18, 2006, 5:47 p.m.

Guess what?

Platformed is better than Rez2!

Haha… just kidding. But seriously. it is.

Well… If you enjoy platformed more than Rez 2, you'll love this

(codes are:


HTML: <[blk]img src="">)

Oh look. It's an "I support platformed" banner! In the war, you must identify yourselves from the others.

Even if it's a crudely made banner.

And one more thing. THere are a few mystery characters in Platformed that can be unlocked via "Crystal keys", which i'll explain sometime later. Can you guess who THIS is?

WHoever guesses right gets… I wil make the first person to solve it somewhere in the game



squeakyreaper 18 years, 8 months ago

Make a 'Make a platformer contest'. Ya know, so we can fight to be in the game. So you know, the spike reaper didn't leave his sythe at home. I stole it.

squeakyreaper 18 years, 8 months ago

Also, with a green face, It'd look like a tonberry.

Rob the Penguin 18 years, 8 months ago

here can you use platformed rob he uses guns.