Guess what?
Platformed is better than Rez2!
Haha… just kidding. But seriously. it is.
Well… If you enjoy platformed more than Rez 2, you'll love this

(codes are:
HTML: <[blk]img src="">)
Oh look. It's an "I support platformed" banner! In the war, you must identify yourselves from the others.
Even if it's a crudely made banner.
And one more thing. THere are a few mystery characters in Platformed that can be unlocked via "Crystal keys", which i'll explain sometime later. Can you guess who THIS is?

WHoever guesses right gets… I wil make the first person to solve it somewhere in the game

Could someone at least help me attempt to make a "I support platformed"Avatar with a custom thing that sounds sort of like my username…
It's kinda hard to imagine a platformed guy for you…
can you use my platformed guy? XD
Hmm.. You might see him in a platformed game =)
well if you don't the glare birdy is coming for you…
I have seen WAY to much of the "glare birdy" IT'S SO ANOYING. and i don't know why any one else saw it but i thought that the thing was a joke, i saw that it was REZ right away…
XD it basically was a joke. Firebird was already in the game, and if you won, it would have put you on a deserted island. only accessable by ciribot.
lol, good thing i didnt find this
can you at least put my guy in running around on fire screaming?

Anti-Glare Birdy is watching…