Guess what?
Platformed is better than Rez2!
Haha… just kidding. But seriously. it is.
Well… If you enjoy platformed more than Rez 2, you'll love this

(codes are:
HTML: <[blk]img src="">)
Oh look. It's an "I support platformed" banner! In the war, you must identify yourselves from the others.
Even if it's a crudely made banner.
And one more thing. THere are a few mystery characters in Platformed that can be unlocked via "Crystal keys", which i'll explain sometime later. Can you guess who THIS is?

WHoever guesses right gets… I wil make the first person to solve it somewhere in the game

Umm… is it REZ? Its cloaked and… ya.
Hmm… Rez…. YOU'RE RIGHT!
OMG!!!!!!Ok. I added the colored version and firebird, expect to see yourself in the game!Im realle looking forward to playing Platformed it looks awsome:D

=) Now hide ciribot somewhere in that picture and I might just use it somewhere.XD
Yay! I win!
@ludamad: Tsk, He's in there. He just has 0 alpha =)
Make ciribot an enemy and when i kill it I will laugh
Dangit, I wish I had seen this blog sooner.. I woulda guessed rez anyway. I wish I could be in Platformed… Ah well…