People have been asking me sooo much if they can have their character in platformed. Frankly, I've grown tired of it… so I thought of an ingeneous Idea. I have all the main charancter's templates made, but I don't have ANY Npcs. So I designed this thing. You can make a platformed character if you want. IT ISN'T GUARANTEED TO BE IN THE GAME. If you want to make enemies/possibly playable, just make a weapon for them to wield. MAKE THEM SEPARATE FROM THE CHARACTER PLEASE. Also, the one that I consider best that was made to be playable will be playable!
AN NPC LAYOUTImageName:Which chapter: 1-7A WEAPON LAYOUTimageName:Type:Example (NPC).

Still not too special…
well then you give him one.
he has a katana that you can slice people open with!!!!
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="32" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
Name:CamoChapter:3He just blends in with trees and stuff and enemies can't see him if he's in front of a tree.
Ooh. Innovative
He looks cool, aura. Too bad I've chosen my characters.. unless one really cool comes along…But he looks awesome and might make an important figure in the game.
Name: CocoChapter: 3Info: He could be Camo's bestfriend/broLol, thanks Kenon!
that's it i'm making a platformed fan game with my guy and the other original guys in it!
That's a great Idea. Now there are 2 fan games =)