People have been asking me sooo much if they can have their character in platformed. Frankly, I've grown tired of it… so I thought of an ingeneous Idea. I have all the main charancter's templates made, but I don't have ANY Npcs. So I designed this thing. You can make a platformed character if you want. IT ISN'T GUARANTEED TO BE IN THE GAME. If you want to make enemies/possibly playable, just make a weapon for them to wield. MAKE THEM SEPARATE FROM THE CHARACTER PLEASE. Also, the one that I consider best that was made to be playable will be playable!
AN NPC LAYOUTImageName:Which chapter: 1-7A WEAPON LAYOUTimageName:Type:Example (NPC).

Oh.. and I love the fact that people are making Coconut people and Tree people, ect.. They look awesome.
J/K. >:)It's the person who made the original Copycatted Character
which is…