Ok so I'm tired of Colseed being the guy who has all the +1s around here.
It's time to shake things up.Starting tomorrow I shall +1 every comment I ever see ever. Actually, starting after I post this blog.Why?BECAUSE I CAN.AND I MUST.YES, I MUST!oh on a side note, why on earth is everyone a musician here now? Why didn't we become programmers only? I mean I wish that we had in retrospect because now I have to learn Java, C++/C#, Ruby, and PHP because I'm crazy and I need to know them now. AND YOU ALL ARE MUSICIANS.I DON'T EVEN LISTEN TO YOUR SONGS.(Ok Putnam Practice is going on soon so I gotta run, sorry for the short blog! Just wanted to air these things out before I left!)-KenonKenon's quest to +1 EVERYTHING
Posted by Kenon on Sept. 13, 2012, 5:35 p.m.
12 years, 6 months ago

Because some of us make games and can only plagiarize so much Megaman music before we lose our minds.