Sony complains about the Wii.

Posted by Kenon on Oct. 11, 2006, 4 p.m.

Sony complains that the wii is too expensive =O

As quoted,

Quote: Sony Executive Michael Ephraim
"Even though it's affordable, at AUD $400 (EUR 237) plus whatever you need to buy accessories-wise, I'm guessing you need to spend about AUD $500 (EUR 296) to take home a Wii and enjoy it."

"For this Christmas, I think that price point is still not family entertainment because AUD $500 is a lot to fork out, but we welcome the Nintendo heritage of gaming where they can appeal to a broader audience because long-term that is critical for the industry," he said.

And don't forget THIS LINE!

Quote: the hypocrite
the PlayStation 3, which will retail at AUD $830 (EUR 492) and AUD $999 (EUR 592)

If the Wii is too expensive… then the PS3 must mean death to a family's pocketbook.


P.S. Read ACCURATELY, it really means that they think the wii is for families, and it would be "Too expensive for families". Read wrong results in hypocracy.


poultry 18 years, 5 months ago


basilamer 18 years, 5 months ago


Maxcore 18 years, 5 months ago

What he is really saying is that Nintendo is trying to appeal to a broader audience, but $400 AUD is a lot to fork out. The PS3 is meant for hardcore techies with money, and no others.

gmjab 18 years, 5 months ago

wow, PS3 is only $830 I'm impressed. The PS2 cost me more. I don't know about everyone else but i'm sick to death of every saying SONY is rubbish. Have you ever stopped and thought that Microsoft and Nintendo are rubbish ? Microsoft is just a copy cat, they were even going to make a portable version of xbox.

Kenon 18 years, 5 months ago

Erm… that's in australian dollars.

And I know, Maxcore. just how he said it was kinda hypocritical.

Chances are the PS3 will cost more than 1k dollars after a collection of periferals and games.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 5 months ago

No one gives a fuck. Pleae shutup.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 5 months ago

Dosent the wii come with wii sports when you buy the console?

I'm pretty sure i saw that somewhere.

Josea 18 years, 5 months ago

Yes it will hobo.

Who gives a damn about what the companies say?

The only thing that matters is the sales after the release, and I at least can predict PS3 won't come through easily in the venezuelan market. Everyone buyed PS2 because there were thousand pirated games you could buy for 5$, while GC didn't.

Now the format is blu ray, it'll take time until our nice piraters copy the games, and knowing blu ray discs are more expensive, nobody will spend more money on pirate games, and neither the original.

Kenon 18 years, 5 months ago

I don't do much discussion about the Next Gen consoles.. Just this made me laugh. That's why I posted it.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

lmfao, when you said that microsoft was a copy cat, that reminded me of:

the tilt sensor copied from the Wii

The blu-ray to "rival" Xbox 360's HD-DVD

The online to "beat out" Xbox live

The free online from Nintendo DS Wifi

Two packages like Xbox 360