Sony complains about the Wii.

Posted by Kenon on Oct. 11, 2006, 4 p.m.

Sony complains that the wii is too expensive =O

As quoted,

Quote: Sony Executive Michael Ephraim
"Even though it's affordable, at AUD $400 (EUR 237) plus whatever you need to buy accessories-wise, I'm guessing you need to spend about AUD $500 (EUR 296) to take home a Wii and enjoy it."

"For this Christmas, I think that price point is still not family entertainment because AUD $500 is a lot to fork out, but we welcome the Nintendo heritage of gaming where they can appeal to a broader audience because long-term that is critical for the industry," he said.

And don't forget THIS LINE!

Quote: the hypocrite
the PlayStation 3, which will retail at AUD $830 (EUR 492) and AUD $999 (EUR 592)

If the Wii is too expensive… then the PS3 must mean death to a family's pocketbook.


P.S. Read ACCURATELY, it really means that they think the wii is for families, and it would be "Too expensive for families". Read wrong results in hypocracy.


shad0w 18 years, 5 months ago

What he was really saying was that $500 is alot of money in most peoples book- not to mention the rest of the consoles which are even more expensive, therefore this generation isn't about price, but about the console.

Kaz 18 years, 5 months ago

Erm… that's in australian dollars.
That helps since everyone lives in Australia. Oh wait, only GearGOD lives in Australia.

shad0w 18 years, 5 months ago

I live in australia.

Evilish 18 years, 5 months ago

So do I… so does that random guy over there. see him? no, because he was too fast to be seen…

Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

I live in Australia as well.