Mods/Admins, do this for fun!

Posted by KraZKat on Aug. 2, 2008, 8:39 p.m.

Flashback… I know you are going to be all over this.

I'm seeing what the mods/admins will fill in the blanks. : ) It was fun last time.

The Life of a 64digiter

So today I ______ out of bed at 7:77 am and thought "___________" and then put on my _______ and walked out the door to go ride my ______ around the block. As I got on it I realized its _____ was flat and yelled out "______", so I pumped it up with air. Now that it's all bouncy and tight, I started to ride it. Singing "____________________________________" in my head as I rode it faster and faster. Then I stopped. I got off of it because a giant __________ was right infront of it and was blocking me, so I tried pushing it, pulling it, _____ing it, and nothing seemed to work. It then spoke in a huge voice "___________________________________!" and I thought "_______" then saw the slim fasts behind it, I knew what it was, it was a admin, a head admin, it was ____________. He was looking pretty damn super sexy, so I said "What up home skilet, __________________?"

and he replied "_______________________!" and so I rode off on my _______ and went and saw ChIkEn. We talked about how the new Miley Cyrus ad looked like she was giving a rubber _____ a ___job and was pretty damn funny. Then I caught up with ludamad and flashback, they were ___________ly __________ing. I thought "DAMN! _________________!" and asked "_________________!?!" and they replied "_______________! You?" and I replied "Oh wow, seems fun! I'm just riding my ___________! Hey got any room for three?" and they said "______" and so I started ________ing with them and it was hard at first but then I got a feel for things. DesertFox joined in with us after 5 minutes. He was really good at _____ing with us. After being so tired I hopped back on my ______ and rode home, I said to myself "_________" and got in bed and covered myself in my ___________.


SoberMilk 16 years, 6 months ago

So today I leaped out of bed and thought "Im such a hot and horny super-stud!" and then put on my extra-tight underwear and walked out the door to go ride my bitch around the block. As I got on it I realized its ass was flat and yelled out "FUCKSOKS!!!", so I pumped it up with air. Now that it's all bouncy and tight, I started to ride it. Singing "Heads down, ass up, thats the way we like to fuck!" in my head as I rode it faster and faster. Then I stopped. I got off of it because a giant turd was right infront of it and was blocking me, so I tried pushing it, pulling it, pounding it, and nothing seemed to work. It then spoke in a huge voice "GET YOUR COCK OUT OF THIS ASS!" and I thought "WTF!? A TALKING TURD!!!" then saw the slim fasts behind it, I knew what it was, it was a admin, a head admin, it was Arcalyth. He was looking pretty damn super sexy, so I said "What up home skilet, wanna take a ride in my ass?"

and he replied "2 seconds, I'll just finish V3!" and so I rode off on my bitch-ass and went and saw ChIkEn. We talked about how the new Miley Cyrus ad looked like she was giving a rubber dildo a blowjob and was pretty damn funny. Then I caught up with ludamad and flashback, they were panifully fucking. I thought "DAMN! Those asses look TIGHT holmes!" and asked "That looks tight. Wanna play naked twista!?!" and they replied "WTF! You?" and I replied "Oh wow, seems fun! I'm just riding my ass! Hey got any room for three?" and they said "Hop on." and so I started fucking with them and it was hard at first but then I got a feel for things. DesertFox joined in with us after 5 minutes. He was really good at fucking with us. After being so tired I hopped back on my ass and rode home, I said to myself "That was sum good bumsechs." and got in bed and covered myself in my sweaty horse seamen.