First, let's begin with me waking up in an ambulance

Posted by KraZKat on April 3, 2012, 12:48 a.m.

It's been awhile since I've been on here, or really posted. So what all has happened in my life since I've last informed you? Haha… well… a lot.

First, let's begin with me waking up in an ambulance (This was a little less than 2 years ago.) I woke up, in nothing but my boxers laying on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance. What I felt like was a really nice nap wasn't a nap at all, it was possible that I had died for a few minutes when I was unconscious. Wait… why was I unconscious? Wait… I didn't go to bed… wait… I didn't even get back to my house, I was walking home. Then I am informed I was hit by a car, I later discover after passing out a dozen more times that I was a "probable fatality" Trauma 1 patient. Severe concussion, head split open, my right arm was dislocated, my humerus was shattered on one side, split in half on the other, and I let out pints of blood.

Somehow the entire time I was calm, and at some points I was so doped up on pain meds and blood loss that I thought I was in Halo and I was on Reach and I was just getting medical operations done so I could become a Spartan. I even went as far as looking my mom in the face before she had to leave the room that "Don't worry, Spartans never die." I had a surgery that required a metal plate and 8 pins be placed in my arm, the scar is still there, bulging out. I was out of the hospital in about 3 days with a sling and some Vicodin.

In other news, I've had my hands tied lately and haven't been able to start or work on any games. What have I been doing? Graphic design. Right after my 18th birthday, I got asked to make a few mock up labels for a liquor company, if they were professional I would be picked for the job of making the label, and I was. I nailed it in fact, and now I am waiting for the government alcohol warnings, nutrition facts, etc to be sent up and I'm going to the label place to make sure the labels can withstand freezing temperatures. But to all of you who like drinking liquor (Multiple varieties of Limoncello,) you can find my design on the bottle you're drinking.

I've been designing posters, labels, websites, you name it. I have 3 periods a day at school in my design class that helps me do just that (not to mention I can work on whatever I want at home) and yeah, lots of design stuff. Usually I'm working on 2-3 projects at a time so it's kept me busy. Luckily, I love doing it.

Finally, two months before I was hit I moved to a new house. It's nice, small, but nice. A great, fenced backyard, a beautiful house, walking distance to school, good neighborhoods. Nothing too exciting there, but yeah, figure I'd mention that.

Anyways, yeah…

A lot has happened since I've been on here. With that said… I'm going to frequently be on here.


KraZKat 12 years, 10 months ago

& Thanks everyone for the comments, love them all and I've missed you all.

Seleney 12 years, 10 months ago

mmm pineapple :)

You don't know me cause I'm new, but glad you're ok. That was kind of an amazing tale.

Ferret 12 years, 10 months ago

Holy crap man.

As scary as the story was, it great to hear something positive for a change and it's also good to see you again. Congrats on the work too.

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

Hey KraZKat. Its been a while since ive talked to ya :P I think it was back when I was semi-making "Gencon", which i never worked on again.

Crazy story though (haha pun), but glad youre ok. i bet it was life changing. and its quite awesome you got picked for the logo. Hope all goes well

Polystyrene Man 12 years, 10 months ago

Wow, way to pull through after an accident like that.

Glen 12 years, 10 months ago

Like a boss