Hello World!

Posted by KyleKubik on Aug. 26, 2013, 3:40 a.m.

Hello to whoever is out there reading this! I'm username303, and I'm new to 64digits. I guess I'm writing this blog to introduce myself, and test the waters a bit. I don't really like blogging, but here goes!

(tl;dr: Me Kyle. Me program good. Me moderate subreddits. Me like Game Maker.)

My name is Kyle Kubik and I am a 19 year old programming hobbyist. I live in the US and am currently going to college for Mechanical Engineering. Since it's just a hobby, I typically use Game Maker for any programming I do, although I have also learned some Java, C++, and VisualBasic. I also often use MatLab for work in my major.

I am one of the head mods for the game maker community on Reddit. We are a small community of only about 2000 subscribers, but we try to stay very active, with competitions and other events happening at least once every couple of months. (We are having Mike Dailly do an AMA in September!!)

I've never released a game of any real acclaim, but I really love programming. I guess the biggest game I have worked on was A Nation of Wind, which was a game that I had provided a bit of consultation on. I later became fairly good friends with the developer, and we created the game Attack of the Fightosphere together for an Adventure Time game jam. To this day, it is my favorite game I've ever created.

I've made a number of other small games over the years, some of which I may upload here. Most of them are proofs of concepts, or just incomplete, but I've learned something from each one along the way.

I am by no means a master programmer, but I'd like to think that I have an at least above average understanding of game maker, and I spend a lot of my time on the GM subreddit answering programming questions, and helping out new users. I really like teaching and helping, and it is one of my goals to create the introduction to gamemaker that I wish I had when I was starting out.

I guess I've spent enough time talking about myself! I hope to be bringing some interesting games and content soon!

Leave me a comment if you wanna chat!


F1ak3r 11 years, 6 months ago

Welcome. I think I subscribe to that sub, but I don't know that I've posted on it ever.

spike1 11 years, 6 months ago

Quote: CyrusRoberto
and beware of the jackasses below this comment!

Dont you mean the,…….

Jackass Penguin! :D.(I have no idea what made me do this :P)

Lol, welcome to 64 digits :). Hope you enjoy it here, and can't wait to see your games :D.

Edit: BTW, in case you don't know the Jackass penguin is a real species lol :D

Kamira 11 years, 6 months ago

Welcome! I'm a 19 year old Mechanical Engineer major living in the US too, so we're practically related.

Cesque 11 years, 6 months ago


I like the overall style of the Game Maker embassy over at reddit (stealing spotlight from the "official" GM forums?), but the banner/header looks horrible IMHO. To make that more constructive: I think a plain white/light grey background with a GM logo in the corner would be much better (or maybe a black background, if you want to follow the YYG style, but it wouldn't fit with the "code editor" layout).

firestormx 11 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits. =)

KyleKubik 11 years, 6 months ago

Thanks for being so welcoming everyone!

@cyrus - I chose my best games to show off! The art isn't mine though, so my other stuff isn't quite that pretty.

@f1ak3r - post something! We need content!

@spike1 - its good to know there are other jackasses out there!

@kamira - cool! Since we a bros, you'll do my homework, right?

@Cesque - the old banner is a relic of ancient times. We put a lot of work into our code editor layout, but haven't had time for a banner. Our css guy is now working on a NEW style sheet using assets from yoyo. so we should see a change soon.

@firestormx - why is your name pink?

F1ak3r 11 years, 6 months ago

He is a pretty princess.

Iasper 11 years, 6 months ago

He's our number 2 favorite.

Welcome, by the way!

MMOnologueguy 11 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to the site, productive member of internet society. We don't get many of your kind around here. Not that I have any kind of problem with your people.

Quote: eye ass purr
He's our number 2 favorite.
After BobertBilliam, right?

Mush 11 years, 6 months ago

Hello son.

Edit: Does /r/gamemaker allow "Looking for programmer/artist/musician"

topics ?