First Go at RPG Game

Posted by LAR Games on Sept. 2, 2011, 10:34 p.m.

Well, I started this when I was testing out my stream settings for, and it was very spontaneous. This is my first time making a game like this, so go easy on me.

This is what I have so far, and please, if you think I should add something, please tell me.

You can see the precise moment I started making this here:

EDIT: Also, when is the game submission form going to be fixed?


panzercretin 13 years, 5 months ago

Well, here's the thing. I figure this could go two ways:

a. Opening chests and context-sensitive actions are the only uses for the mouse, which is something much more simply relegated to a button, seeing as 99% of the time you should be within activation distance of only one thing (if there are any, which usually there shouldn't be), unless the game is far too cluttered.

b. There are in fact other things to do with the mouse, which makes it an absolute pain when you're trying to, say, shoot at a nearby enemy and accidentally open a chest instead, or vice-versa.

In other words, it's much more streamlined and comfortable to just have a button take care of it.

As to fix JID's problem, just add a 1-frame alarm to the item's create code and a variable that states whether or not it can be clicked on; once it's rung then it is possible to click on it.

Besides those two blitheringly minor details (which yes I'm aware they are), it seems rather good, I like the art style.

LAR Games 13 years, 5 months ago

Well, I figure that the management of items and inventory will be done with the mouse, and the combat will be done with the keyboard. Also, I added that delay because I wanted the sound to finish before the chest opened.

By the way, the art is just filler. lol. I'm sure I'm going to replace it with better art if I continue with this. (Or maybe make the art style optional)