Halo 4 (No Spoilers)

Posted by LAR Games on Nov. 7, 2012, 8:33 p.m.

Anyone get to play it? No spoilers, but it is most assuredly the best Halo ever made. (So far)

343 definitely lived up to, even surpassed the expectations I had for a new Halo game.

The visuals are the best of any game I've ever seen on a console.

The animations, textures, and art direction worked together so well. The facial animations are what surprised me the most. I would describe them having the quality of LA Noire facial capture, but with much better textures and detail.

The single player campaign is also the best of the series in both story and character development. The gameplay is pretty much as Halo as ever.

The multiplayer is perhaps the funnest Halo multiplayer experience I've ever played. My only gripe is that you have to unlock visor colors.

Anyway, if any of you did play it, please, I would like to hear your thoughts/ experiences on the matter.


If anyone wants to add me on live, my gamertag is "Luis Renteria". (I know, I know. My ability to create clever names astounds even me.)


Eva unit-01 12 years, 3 months ago

I haven't beat the campaign, and wont for a few days, maybe weeks, cause I'm savoring this game as much as possible.

But I have been playing the MP, and it's just everything good from CoD and BF and Homefront put into one game, yet it's still Halo, and it's fucking awesome. Level 24 right now, been using the Doritos double xp stuff.

Tag is Gunzetness if you wanna hit me up in a few rounds mang.

JID 12 years, 3 months ago

I want to get Halo 4. Seen some walkthroughs on youtube. It does look to have the best campaign of any of the Halo's so far. The facial animations and the absolutely gorgeous cutscenes impressed me as well. But I think some of them are CGI. They had to be.

I'll be getting the game soon, most likely.

The visuals are the best of any game I've ever seen on a console.

naw man, naw.

just naw.

but they are pretty great, i must say. The cutscenes really are amazing, though.

Eva unit-01 12 years, 3 months ago

I actually gotta agree with the graphics being pretty top-notch for console. The only other games I've seen looking this good on Xbox are Red Dead, and Gears 3.

I think Halo 4 is up there with Killzone 2-3 with the visuals.

JID 12 years, 3 months ago

oh, wow. seriously?

maybe the youtube videos don't display all of this epic gorgeousness you both are talking about.

i need to buy the game myself to see if it really is that amazing.

Mairu 12 years, 3 months ago

Best Halo ever made? I don't think so. Best Halo since Halo: Combat Evolved? Yes.

I might have a slightly skewed perspective on that though since I use to play it all the time with friends or alone.

There were only few real annoyances for me.

QUICK TIME EVENTS! They didn't play much of a part, but I question their need to be there at all. I'd rather have a nice cutscene than some pseudo interaction segment.

The AI often felt like dumb (at range, where they'll just watch you from afar) bullet sponges, but I played through on legendary first, making stuff harder to kill. On lower levels of difficulty (I played cooperatively with a friend on normal for a while) they seem a little better, since the time to kill is lowered and they deal out less punishment - no fear of death, I just jump in.

Some of the new sounds bugged me too. Having only ever driven hydrogen fueled electric warthogs, the poor Master Chief couldn't grasp the concept of gears in the new petroleum variant. It sounds like he's driving around in first gear all the time.

A lot of the weapons feel very samey too, but I don't really dislike any (well, maybe the LMG.)

JID 12 years, 3 months ago

oh yeah, and is dual wielding back? or has that been left out again?

Eva unit-01 12 years, 3 months ago

Nah dual-wielding has been gone since Halo2, man.

Edit: I can't remember if Halo3 had it actually.

And yea, I gotta agree it's the best Halo since CE. But no Halo tops CE.

LAR Games 12 years, 3 months ago

No, dual wielding isn't back. I don't really miss it though.

JID 12 years, 3 months ago

it was in Halo 3.

that kinda sucks. dual-wielding was a pretty cool feature, it did kinda separate Halo from every other fps. :/

Mairu 12 years, 3 months ago

Plasma pistol in my left hand, magnum in my right . . .