Halo 4 (No Spoilers)

Posted by LAR Games on Nov. 7, 2012, 8:33 p.m.

Anyone get to play it? No spoilers, but it is most assuredly the best Halo ever made. (So far)

343 definitely lived up to, even surpassed the expectations I had for a new Halo game.

The visuals are the best of any game I've ever seen on a console.

The animations, textures, and art direction worked together so well. The facial animations are what surprised me the most. I would describe them having the quality of LA Noire facial capture, but with much better textures and detail.

The single player campaign is also the best of the series in both story and character development. The gameplay is pretty much as Halo as ever.

The multiplayer is perhaps the funnest Halo multiplayer experience I've ever played. My only gripe is that you have to unlock visor colors.

Anyway, if any of you did play it, please, I would like to hear your thoughts/ experiences on the matter.


If anyone wants to add me on live, my gamertag is "Luis Renteria". (I know, I know. My ability to create clever names astounds even me.)


JID 12 years, 2 months ago

Plasma pistol in my left hand, magnum in my right . . .
on second thought, maybe it is best that the feature is gone. :p

Eva unit-01 12 years, 2 months ago

Yeaaaa, I didn't like dual-wielding. Felt kinda outta place.

LAR Games 12 years, 2 months ago

Oh, and I completely agree with you about the multiplayer, Eva. It really is the best of everything. As for the difficulty of the game, for me it seems like overall, the game is harder. Even on normal I died quite a bit.

Of course a lot of those were accidental deaths.

I fell. A lot.


Just saw you gamertag.

Friended. :)

Kamira 12 years, 2 months ago

I would've picked up Halo4 but I have wayyyy to much homework:/ I rarely ever get to play my xbox. I saw the guys in the suite next to mine playing it, made me sad. Glad to year that it's good, I'll pick it up this winter probably.

Oh, and if anyone hasn't added me yet, I'm Kamira929.

LAR Games 12 years, 2 months ago

I added you, Kamira.

Cpsgames 12 years, 2 months ago

As a PS3 gamer, I have to say even I think Halo 4 looks pretty good versus the others. Still not enough to make me buy an Xbox though.

…Killzone 2-3 with the visuals.
Yes! Killzone 3 had amazing visuals! And I like to think Metal Gear Solid 4 had amazing cut scenes.

JID 12 years, 2 months ago

Just got Halo 4 today and I love it, but I agree with nearly everything Mairu has said about the game.

Also, I am really disappointed that Firefight is gone. I've only played some of the first episode/mission of Spartan Ops so far, and I really don't like it.

And there are a ton of small missing features that were in older Halo's that are absent here. One that's really bugging me is the fact they've taken out precision moving in Forge. It's a really tiny thing, but without it, it makes trying to make maps kind of annoying. Also, Halo 4 has no huge forge maps that can even compete with Forge World.

On the plus side, this is the most fun I've had in a Halo game's competitive multiplayer in a really long time. My brother and I played the game splitscreen today for a ton of hours. He may even call in sick tomorrow from work, just to play the game. :p

I haven't really gotten too far on the campaign, as of yet, but one thing I noticed, is that the campaign is A LOT harder. Seriously, I'm on the first mission of the game and it's really frustrating on Heroic. I kind of want to lower the difficulty, but I feel like I might miss out on something cool that you can only do/see in higher difficulty setting.

Other than that, this may be my favorite Halo to come out this gen. 343 has done a great job with keeping Halo alive without Bungie.

You gotta love the SAW and Sticky detonator weapons, these two have gotta be my favorite things in competitive multiplayer so far.


Eva unit-01 12 years, 2 months ago

That's odd, I found the campaign underwhelming difficulty-wise, but then again I'm an old Halo vet, having beat most Halo games on Heroic, the first Halo on Legendary like 4 times, and Reach two times by myself on Legendary.

I went through Halo4 on Heroic in no time. The only difficult parts were the on foot vs vehicle sections, and the damned Knights.

I've also grown to really REALLY hate the multiplayer. But it's so addicting, I can't stop. I'm sitting at like level 56 right now, but I can't play it for long anymore.

All I can say is -hitscan- I can't stand hitscan. It's screwed me over so many times. I never thought I'd be dying CoD aim-at-nothing-and-get-a-kill style in a Halo game, but that's what's happening, every game.

I realize Halo2 and Reach use hitscan, but something is really wrong with how they implemented it in Halo4.

AAANYWAY. DMR and Boltpistol for life.

LAR Games 12 years, 2 months ago

I really agree with what you guys have said about Halo 4 missing somethings that were in the previous Halo games. I do really like the new sounds though.

I haven't gotten to play much multiplayer since my internet was just fixed, like yesterday. Hopefully I still have enough of that live trial left to be able to get to level 50 at least.

Even better, I hope that I see that 1 month of live for 1 dollar ad that I've seen a couple of times.

JID 12 years, 2 months ago

That's odd, I found the campaign underwhelming difficulty-wise, but then again I'm an old Halo vet, having beat most Halo games on Heroic, the first Halo on Legendary like 4 times, and Reach two times by myself on Legendary.

I went through Halo4 on Heroic in no time. The only difficult parts were the on foot vs vehicle sections, and the damned Knights.
strange, i've beaten every Halo on Heroic on my first playthroughs all the time, and I don't remember them being this difficult.

I even think I've beaten all of them on Legendary, but I'm not too sure that I did.