The Elder Scrolls Online

Posted by LAR Games on Feb. 6, 2013, 7:32 p.m.

So, The Elder Scrolls Online. I'm pretty sure everyone thought this would happen eventually. At first I was pretty skeptical about this game, but as more information has been released, I can honestly say that this is the game I'm looking forward to the most in the near future.

One of the big things that I was most upset about is that MMOs are usually in third person, and the Elder Scrolls has always been a first person series. Apparently, you have the option to play in first person as well in the Elder Scrolls Online. That made me as giddy as a schoolgirl.

Also, hasn't everyone wanted an Elder Scrolls Game that took place in all of Tamriel? I sure did. This is now reality.

Here's a video about it:

What do you guys think? Looking forward to it as much as I am?


JID 11 years, 8 months ago

some of the bugs actually made me love skyrim.

like the first time i was killed by a giant. oh, the amount of lols i got from that one

i don't think i've ever really encountered any game breaking bugs though, luckily. Usually with games that have manual game saves, i always instinctively save my game under multiple files.

That and plus my brother played skyrim on my xbl account, so I had to make multiple back ups to make sure there were no accidental saves over my file.

JuurianChi 11 years, 8 months ago

I once got stuck under a porch while every person in the village was attacking me.

I killed them with my fire, and then I was all alone.

Under the porch.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 8 months ago

I also never found myself immersed or even interested in the lore of a TES game. My first and last one was Oblivion, and though I didn't hate it, it just didn't pull me in to the universe.

I find Witcher 2 and Fallout 3 to be much more immersive and just… funner, overall. New Vegas tried too hard, and though I did get addicted after like 13 hours of forcing myself to get into it, it just didn't have the magic touch like FO3 did. And then of course it caught Bethesda disease and smashed all my save files into corrupt oblivion.

mr8bit 11 years, 8 months ago

The first time I played Oblivion, I stared in wonder as a horse inexplicably shot across the sky as if it had a rocket engine shoved up its ass. How could this possibly be a BAD thing?

Castypher 11 years, 8 months ago

The best thing about Elder Scrolls is that it's the thousands of bugs that make the game. I'll never forget the time I was fighting a dragon and watched a random mammoth fall out of a tree, or the time I was killed by a giant's corpse that came out of nowhere, or the thousands of times I watched untextured dragon bones blowing in the wind and knocking giants around.

No seriously, having said dragon bones fall around you after loading a quicksave even though you haven't seen a dragon in two years. Bethesda is running a psychological comedy routine over there.

Visor 11 years, 8 months ago

Reminds me of the time my brother told me he was hit by a Giant's club and was propelled so far into the air that he got a hell of a view of Skyrim.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 8 months ago

Reminds me of the time I was playing Undead Nightmare and was riding my horse dangerously close to a cliff when it decided to go sliding down. Instead of dying when we hit the ground, we clipped through the map and started going like a million mph and ended up back on the top of the hill we fell from like nothing happened.

JID 11 years, 8 months ago

I wish they'd continue adding DLC for Red Dead, it was an excellent game.

One thing, I really, really wish they did though, was make a multiplayer free roam mode for undead nightmare, i'd love a huge open multiplayer world with zombies in it for red dead. all you get is a mode similar to horde mode for multiplayer.

LAR Games 11 years, 8 months ago

I still need to play Red Dead. Everyone and my brother talk about how good it is.

JID 11 years, 8 months ago

Red Dead is still probably Rockstar's best looking game to date, I've found myself on several occasions just sitting back and just gazing at it all. Absolutely beautiful.