Adventure Guy (Update 2)

Posted by LAR Games on June 8, 2013, 5:56 p.m.

Update 2

Well, It's been a little while since I've said anything about this. A recent post by twisterghost made me realize that taking longer in between updates will most definitely make me lose interest in working on this.

So, here's an update on what I've added and how It's changed:

I've added an inventory and slight AI to the enemies. (Still haven't given them the simple ability to attack you though. lol)

You're now able to pick up items and put them in your inventory.

You're able to stack items.

You can use potions while they're in your inventory as well.

Unfortunately, since I haven't started on the equipment system yet, there's no equipment slot to put your spellbook in to equip it.


Here are the new controls:

Left mouse button to attack when spellbook is equipped.

Press E while mousing over spellbook you want to equip.

Press Q to open and close your inventory.

Press left mouse button to grab items and put them in Inventory. (They have to be close enough to pick them up and put them back on the ground. You can tell by how they glow.)

Press the right mouse button when you have a potion grabbed and and hovering over the same type of potion to combine stacks.

Press enter to create enemies where mouse is. (Testing thing, but still fun to kill stuff since I gave myself a whole bunch of mana to mess around with)

Press space to name your character.

And Press E to unequip the spellbook/ exchange it with another. (The spellbook you want to exchange with has to be within reachable distance. Also if you just want to equip it, the mouse also has to be within reachable distance.)

Update 1

This is a sort of RPG.. thingy I've started working on. After I figured out how to do delta time (finally, right?), I decided to continue working on this.

Let me know what you think.



Right Click: Pickup the Spell Book

Right Click and Shift: Drop the Spell Book

Left Click: If you have the Spell Book, you can use it.

Enter: Make a Slime Guy Enemy

Well, it finally happened. I finally figured out how to do something I thought was impossible for me. (Although it might seem absurd to anyone else. lol)

I was working on an engine for my games, and I finally overcame the biggest hurdle I've wanted to overcome so far in my game creation "career".

Here's what I have so far. Can you guess what I was able to do?

If not, I'll just tell you guys in the comments. lol



panzercretin 11 years, 4 months ago

I couldn't find anything snazzy with it. It ran at a decent framerate for what it was, though.

colseed 11 years, 4 months ago

Um…is it the blinky sequence that happens when an enemy gets hurt?

i'm guessing that's it anyway because there's all that hurt-related debug info under every monsterslimething

(also holding down space generates lots and lots of what looks like bowling balls and i don't know why)

LAR Games 11 years, 4 months ago

Panzer's second sentence pretty much almost guessed it. lol

The "bowling ball" generator is a clue though. haha

panzercretin 11 years, 4 months ago

I remember then I was thirteen and I thought if you set an alarm to a negative time interval it'd retroactively set itself off in the past.

LAR Games 11 years, 4 months ago

lol. Time travel through code. Seems legit.

Consumer 11 years, 4 months ago

Congratulations on delta time. You could have bypassed any difficulties with a very easy plug-in code snippet that GameMaker Studio users have provided given the IDE's built-in delta_time calculation. The hardest part people typically find with delta time is in collisions or modifying simulation in premade physics engines.

LAR Games 11 years, 4 months ago

Thank you! You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this. Then I saw that studio came with this built in. I was very excited.

And many hours of messing with it, I finally made it work with everything so far!

LAR Games 11 years, 4 months ago

Haha. Yeah, I noticed that. People go to great lengths to tell you why you suck on the internet.

Consumer 11 years, 4 months ago

Oh, definitely didn't mean to sound scathing by that comment. A few months ago I tried to tackle delta timing and was playing around it for a couple hours before realizing that GameMaker already tossed in that functionality. I'm still battling with whether or not I actually should implement it because of the extent of thought that has to go into it when things get complicated, so back then I dropped it in favor of the simpler fixed timing. I think it's a great thing to have in most games, but it really is daunting for me. Hopefully you'll have more confidence and luck going in.

Yeah, I've been lurking for a bit. Thought of posting before in the cases I thought had something to say, but I wanted to post now since this was rather specific to what I've had to deal with before.

colseed 11 years, 4 months ago

yeah, bad things could happen if you leave a sanity unattended in here you know

i mean we had to deal with a whole bunch of malnourished ones that escaped the box a little while back and that was almost a disaster

who knows what damage a healthy one could do