The story behind 64D?

Posted by Lapixx on Aug. 21, 2010, 9:10 a.m.

So, I was trying to find some things about the history of 64Digits, but I couldn't find anything on either 64D itself or Google (which is supposed to know *anything*).

When I joined in 2007 the website was already active and had quite some members. When was 64D launched? Who worked on the first version? And, seeing as there have never been advertisements on the website, or any option to donate, who has been paying for the host all that time? O.o I could figure it should be quite expensive to keep online over the years.

Just curious.

Because this entry would probably be too short, I'm going to tell something about a project I'm working on with a friend: The basic concept behind the project is location based content. Although I think it has been used since 2004, and services such as foursquare/gowalla/etc are becoming more popular, location based services aren't used *that* much yet.

I started the project with a teacher at my school, in order to make something cool that pupils could use to learn something in a fun way. Recently I came into contact with some cool people who are working on projects that are well-known in the city I live in. They are partially responsible for the free wireless network we have in the city (as one of the first - if not the first - cities in the Netherlands), and they are very interested in location based media.

So they asked us to come up with some ideas that people (and especially tourists) could use on their mobile phone. One of the obvious ideas is a GPS 'enhanced' city guide type of application, where you, as a tourist for example, get information about the place where you are, search for nearby restaurants… and so on.

Information about (historical) buildings and restaurants could be nice for some people, but when you're using dynamic content to show what movies are playing in the cinema you're standing a few meters away from (just an example), I'm starting to wonder how useful location based content really is. How could the location based aspect 'enhance' information like this?

Perhaps you guys have any ideas?


Cesar 14 years, 6 months ago

It's been posted somewhere before. I just don't remember where and can't be bothered to look for it.

twisterghost 14 years, 6 months ago

64D was started a long time ago. At first it was pretty small, and super originally it was just a forum. FirestormX and Canadonian spent a while and made the base site. After a year or so, v2 was launched (what this technically is now) and v3 has been 'in development' for like 2 or 3 years now.

FSX pays the bills now, had an ad up here for a while.

Staff started as FSX and Canadonian, then JakeX and Mooselumph got in, then Melee-Master, then Me, then Kevboh, then after that I can't keep track. I split off about a year or so ago now. I only come back every so often to post random comments like this.


Lapixx 14 years, 6 months ago

Thanks for the info. :) Anyone knows when "a long time ago" exactly is though?

twisterghost 14 years, 6 months ago

I was 13 or 14 when I joined so…5/6 years?

Juju 14 years, 6 months ago

Resturant menus, cafe prices, directions to services (such as pubs, shops, brothels), train timetables, bus routes, information on old buildings/momuments, traffic reports, could even have little treasure hunts where you have to be within 5m of a location to "find" the next clue.

flashback 14 years, 6 months ago

Twisterghost forgot to mention that JakeX and I became mods at the same time.

Lapixx 14 years, 6 months ago

@Juju: But I'm thinking that things like that don't really enhance anything. It's easier to look up those things on a computer at home, and when you're standing at a bus stop or restaurant, the information is already available, albeit not digital (and thus might be less dynamic). You know what I mean?

The game element is a good suggestion, could 'cheer up' things a bit :)

Juju 14 years, 6 months ago

I'm gonna go ahead here and say you're wrong. People like to have information right in their hands. If a human can avoid a 10m walk, they will. Having restaurants export their data to a handheld device can allow for users to easily compare different prices at a glance. Looking at a train information need not be limited to only that train station, it could connect to an entire network full of information. Bus disruptions (at least in this country) are often poorly communicated to the public, a little more ease-of-use by shipping the information to a handheld would help no end. The old building/monument thing could very easily give you links to Wikipedia or display more content than a simple sign.

Requiem 14 years, 6 months ago

A long long time ago I joined a little site FSX and Canadonian had. Can't remember the name of it at all. Basically it was just a little showcase for our stuff.

Then they made Gauze Media, which was basically a much prettier little showcase for our stuff.

Then one day they're like, "You know, we should make a pretty showcase for everyone else's stuff."

And so 64d was born.

basilamer 14 years, 6 months ago