An infinite number of monkeys?

Posted by Lapixx on Aug. 27, 2010, 1:33 p.m.

I somehow 'ran into' again, and it made me think a bit about what the internet has done so far, and if it's really shit.

Especially the next part caught my attention:

"And look what we've done with it. Food wrappers and soap operas now tell us to visit their websites. Money is pumped online by people who can't even spell HTML. All manner of pointless and irritating content is continually poured down the infinite hole of data, unfiltered and over-appreciated. In accepting freedom of speech, we can't hide from its consequences - which in this case is millions of terabytes of unreliable information, badly designed and clumsily written. We have failed our own creation and given birth something truly awful. We're just too busy cooing over the pram to notice."

The creator of the website has some good points here. A large part of the world wide web (I think saying 'the Internet' is somewhat misplaced) is crap, and the only reason some things exists is because it's relatively easy and cheap to put something online.

On the other hand, I (and most likely very much other people) use the WWW quite often, and I assume I wouldn't be doing that if everything on it was crap. Social networking websites (how overhyped some might be) enable you to meet new (and potentially interesting) people you wouldn't have 'known' otherwise. Sharing information is easy and fast, even if there are enough places that contain false data. People with the same interests start communities you maybe couldn't start in real life, etc.

The question is of course, if you'd call all this really useful. Maybe the writer is right and we should stop "aimlessly surfing for something amusing when we could actually be doing something fun"?

What do you think?


Juju 14 years, 5 months ago

Our growing reliance on technology has been happening since we started burning sticks on the savannah. That first flame was the ancestor of thousands of generations of warfare but it also represents unbridled innovation. It isn't technology that is bad or good but what we do with it. Technology has no morality.

The Internet as it stands is a cross-section of human nature. Whatever you see in the Internet is inexorably linked to your view of the Human Condition, whether you realise it or not. Arguing over this is pointless because morality is personal and intransigent. You can like it or dislike it but you cannot prove that your viewpoint is justified.

Systemic misinformation, explicit deviant sexuality and incitement to aggression existed as much in the real world before the Information Age as they do now. Humans haven't found a new way to lie, fuck or kill for thousands of years. Every piece of content on the Internet has a human that created it. The Internet simply makes you more aware of the vices and virtues of your peers.

The Internet is a supplement to Humanity, not a replacement.

At least until we create technology that thinks for itself.

Leyenda 14 years, 5 months ago

A paradigm shift is a change of perception of the world in scientific terms with which the Internet has nothing to do.
@cesque: I believe you're right. I misused the term.

Arguing over this is pointless because morality is personal and intransigent.
No it isn't. Moral and ethical views are malleable. They DO change over time. Just compare the 1950s to the 1960s.

Humans haven't found a new way to lie, fuck or kill for thousands of years.
More rubbish. Human history is ALL about finding new ways to lie, fuck and kill. That's what we do. We'r always finding new ways to do these things – generally through technology.

Cesque 14 years, 5 months ago

The Internet simply makes you more aware of the vices and virtues of your peers.

Ah yes, but you see, this discussion is going on between people from the UK, Netherlands, USA, Poland and Spain (if I'm not mistaken about Leyenda) and if it wasn't for the Internet, it would be in no way possible.

Now, you might say, "interaction among totally random people of various national backgrounds has been around for ages", but the invention of the Internet bumped it from an exceptional case to a standard.

Same for organising protests through FaceBook or wanking off in front of a webcam on Chatroulette. These things have a long list of ingredients that are required for them to work, and before the advent of the Internet (at least in the centuries directly preceding it), it's safe to say public masturbation was not a widespread phenomenon because there wouldn't be conditions friendly to that particular behaviour.

I'm not saying the Internet changed people. I'm just saying it provided a new environment allowing new forms of behaviour. Just like with bows and printing and nuclear bombs. I don't imagine early hunter-gatherers fighting large scale conflicts involving armies of people clashing, then punching, biting and strangling one another to death.

Lapixx 14 years, 5 months ago

I'm not saying the Internet changed people. I'm just saying it provided a new environment allowing new forms of behaviour.

Wouldn't allowing new forms of behavior also change the behavior of the people involved (in this case, people who use the internet), and thus changing them in a way?

Cesque 14 years, 5 months ago

Well, if you give a man a gun, he might shoot somebody. He might or he might not. But you won't know know unless you give him the gun. He won't shoot anybody without a gun.

Acid 14 years, 5 months ago

I don't imagine early hunter-gatherers fighting large scale conflicts involving armies of people clashing, then punching, biting and strangling one another to death.

Edit: But you have to give it to him… because you really wanna find out what he's going to do.

blackhole 14 years, 5 months ago

He won't shoot anybody without a gun.
He'll use an axe instead.

Leyenda 14 years, 5 months ago

I live in tough neighborhood, but there no guns here. Criminals insert the bullets manually. Its very painful.

Acid 14 years, 5 months ago

^^ That is awesome.