Game Submitting

Posted by LauriP on June 14, 2006, 2:56 a.m.

I'm not complaining anything, this game submitting system and this whole site is awesome, it's just that the games are in the queue a really long time. Heh, the wait is alright, I can wait few weeks.. As I started submitting stuff they are now on the queue.

[20] Quad : 4 Seasons by LauriP

[28] Empty Space by LauriP

[40] Firework Counter by LauriP

[41] Dialog Example by LauriP

I was suprised that Quad : 4 Seasons turned out as an "superb" game. People really liked the first quad version, which was a disaster; The hud was not fitting in the game, font was arial and the game was buggy as hell. I really wanted to improve the game and found the best dude in the world. My music maker, he made the music and re-designed the game on the whole. I was impressed and made the game the same he told me to. It was awesome =P The musics really fit the game and the interface is almost perfect. My best game IMO… It was in the cagematch but losed because the other side was really impressive, Easter Avenger by Josepho. I was sure to my lose and was happy for even getting in to the cagematch =)

Empty Space was made for a little retro contest on the gmg (game maker games). I entered the comp comp, but didn't really have time for it, so I just quickly putted something together. The musics were borrowed from some site.. Retro musics are cool =P The gameplay is really simple, just shoot the asteroids and enemys to their ending and survive as long as you can. And for your knownledge, I didn't win the contest =P

As for the Firework Counter it was an suprise how cool it was in the eyes of GMC. They wanted the source and I posted it. Un-luckily the source is in my motherlanguage (finnish) so you can't really have anything off it. Exept the grafics =P The screensaver wasn't really so impressive, just little stick dudes lighting up some rockets and watching the rockets go off. There is an counter in the left corner that shows the time to newyears. =D That was the main thing I wanted to add to the screensaver. =)

And I noticed that some people hate the RPG system. I don't really hate it or anything. It's a great way to use some time to relax or just kill yourself in the game.

Why do I always bold the first words ? =D

Have a nice day and comment if you want. =) Talk about the games or something.


Adventus 18 years, 8 months ago

Yea the long waiting time is a result of the increased popularity of the site and the rule that every submission gets 24hr on the homepage. I think the mods/admins should have 8 games on the homepage. Also I am on dialup…. so mods dont use that as an excuse to say 'the dialup users will complain from the longer loading time'….heh we can just stop the page if its taking too long.

PS in preferences turn your font size down….

LauriP 18 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, I know what's it like to have dialup.. =D

PS in preferences turn your font size down….
Ehm.. Why ? I think it's good right now. Im using firefox so I don't know what it look's like in your comp.. If I turn font size down after this, it's a little too small IMO. =)

Joewoof 18 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, I think there needs to be a little change.

Maybe put less priority on WIPs and examples, using text-links for them instead (that way, we may be able to have up to 12 items up per day).

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 8 months ago

The wait is definitely long. My games are in the 50's. Now I feel guilty about submitting four games at once. [:(]. I voted for Quad: 4 Seasons in the cagematch, by the way. Easter Avenger was… let's just say people were really shallow about it.

twisterghost 18 years, 8 months ago

Ok, we are doing our best to accept 4 submissions a day, but it goes slow, and lots of people submit a day.

Adventus 18 years, 8 months ago

Quote: LauriP
Im using firefox so I don't know what it look's like in your comp..
So am i…. I dunno might be cos im using a resolution of 800x600….

LauriP 18 years, 8 months ago

Eh.. Now I know why it's so dumb looking. I had the text smoothment on and tried on a another comp. =) Now it look's fine IMO.