First real blog... yippee

Posted by Littlebear on Sept. 15, 2012, 2:57 p.m.

So I wanted to write a longish blog now for the past while instead of just lurking the whole time and it seems finally my time has come.

(Just before the real blog starts one question, why is it that when you have this amazing blog planned out the moment you start typing it falls from your thoughts? - 64digits mind altering code maybe?)

The image of the books on top is the main reason for the blog, I ordered them a month ago and about 2 weeks back they arrived, thus I have started studying, I do have a good grasp on C++ but holy crap those books is are advanced o_O who knew.

It is fun learning about game design and architecture but it involves a lot of math witch was not my strongest subject when I was younger, still I haven't hit a snag yet so yippee!

My dream is still to make games for a living and I'm trying my hardest to study and work towards that, sometimes my day job just eats all my time and that frustrates the heck out of me.

On a semi related note I have also started practicing my pixel art but I feel it's not good enough to parade in front of any one yet. does any one else here just get sucked in by truly beautiful pixel art and that just inspires your soul to create some of your own? (maybe its just me though)

And the last tidbit on my mind is my book that I have started writing a while back and then abandoned seems to be coming back to me in strange ways these day, most of my friends want me to continue to write it but I haven't given anyone outside of my group of friends it to read so I'm wondering if it is good or not.

Well those are my most current thoughts and actions, thank you for reading if you did get this far [:P]


Charlie Carlo 12 years, 5 months ago

At first I thought you were studying engineering and guitar.

OH MAN I FIGURED IT OUT. You're planning on inventing a motorized guitar? Don't worry I'll keep your idea a secret, also I'd like to preorder one or two.

Seriously, though… books. All my college classes consist of nothing but "Read the book." At least those books you posted are something I'd actually be interested in reading. Not "Acting Out Culture."

Ever interested in the pixel-endeavors of the people, you should post some when you feel they are up to par. There's plenty artists around here that will critique your work and help get you going in the right direction.

Littlebear 12 years, 5 months ago

Charlie Carlo: I was planning to make an army of robots that use guitar hero to enslave the world but noooo you had to go and spoil my evil plan didn't you! I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you nosy kids :( (sorry for the Scooby doo reference lol couldn't help myself). I will post my attempts at pixel art in the next month or two :) need input and honest feedback :)