Magicman speaks?!

Posted by Magicman657 on Jan. 31, 2007, 9:21 p.m.

After god knows how long, I've decided to do a super-update blog. I'll get through the last 2 months in 3 minutes or your money back.

I got a job at Dunkin Donuts after school.

We finished our chess season, and I was still 1st board (no one managed to kick me off that spot). I finished with a decent record of like 7 - 5.

I bought a Game Cube with SSMB and F-Zero GX.

I had been running a server of ROPW until it crashed and I'm still trying to fix it.

I finished up my first semester classes and got Honor Roll. Started my new schedule which is much worse.

I met a guy at Dunkin Donuts that somehow gave me the feeling that he was like an older version of me. Weird, but that's how it was.

The main reason I made this was because apparently some idiot noobs went looking through my file manager and distributed a gm6 file for my game that I had uploaded a while ago for people in Varpi to d/l. Yes, that was probably not a good idea but it still pisses me off and I probably will never use the uploader again.

Oh, and bring back the RPG >: (


Quietus 18 years ago

You owe me a chess rematch.

Patrick7286 18 years ago

yeah me too

ludamad 18 years ago

Omg I need to play you.

frenchcon1 18 years ago

mmm….. donuts….