The Realm is dead

Posted by Magicman657 on Aug. 22, 2006, 6 p.m.

That's right, Realms of Past Worlds is pretty much dead. (If you've already been to the forum then you probably read this already).

ROPW has taken a left turn straight into a steaming pile of shit. The forum is utterly useless since no one reads it anyway. There have been NO news updates on the website in almost a month which is ridiculous. There could be an apology for the save file rollback, or AT LEAST something that aknowledges it happened. People have been hacking and cheating in game on almost a daily basis now. Chaz knows this, yet he goes and unbans the people that cheat and admits that he doesn't really care about this version anymore. It comes as no suprise that so many people have quit the game recently, including people like myself that have been playing for over a year.

If everyone quits because Chaz doesn't give a shit about it then how does he expect there to be another version? He doesn't say he's given up by his words, he does so through his actions. Let me show you a few examples of places where Chaz is losing his members:

*Theenoob was banned for account sharing. Chaz unbanned him for the new version of Realms (which failed), and after vs 1.43 came back up Chaz outright refused to unban him. However, sektor was caught cheating multiple times and because he begged enough he got unbanned. Fair?

*Chaz accidentily deleted the most recent save files and it caused a save rollback to about 1 month prior to then. There was no announcement on the forum or website about this explaining what the hell happened, and it goes without saying that there was obviously no public apology either. However, he still manages to find time to program yet another 3d ROPW test. Is that justified?

*Even with all the hacking going on recently, there have been very few GMs around to deal with it. By now there might be 1 mod who occassionally goes on if not at all. I asked Chaz what he intended to do about that and the conversation went exactly like this:

Magicman: i think you need a few new gms

Magicman: because ironically non of the ones who used to do it go on anymore

Chaz: nah

Chaz: if you notice i haven't even been in that version lately

He knows what's been going on and he just doesn't care. Sound like ROPW is dead yet?

For those of you who don't believe it, yes, ROPW is dead. It has been abandoned and left to rot for people to hack and macro themselves to lvl 100. If Chaz thinks that people will just miraculously come running back because he slapped "3d" onto ROPW, he's got another thing coming. It's not the game that makes a game fun, it's the community and the people who run it. I have no hope for ROPW to EVER become a good game again, and that's why I quit.


Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

it was destined for doom, though, if you actually looked at it closely and checked his attitude…

melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago

Heh. Those things happen.

Eternal 18 years, 6 months ago

It was destined to die as soon as he banned me for saying "asshole".

smarttart62 18 years, 6 months ago

I think i played that a while ago for like 10mins maybe… Then i deleted it from my computer.


ludamad 18 years, 5 months ago

I like that game, too bad.