Is it a rant, rave, or neither?

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 1, 2006, 11:29 p.m.

Well.. I'm tired of the world, somedays.. And today is one of those days. I get reminded that most people treat me like an idiot. But that's good. That can only mean one thing. I'm different. They don't listen to me. It's all good. Must mean i'm the better person, no? They say i'm wrong for not being like them… At least i'm not a Nazi who conforms to every single fad and popularity contest that comes through…

Something that annoys me: Girls that dress like sluts. Do you really want some guy in the street to rape you? I'll do you the favor, if it'll teach you not to dress like that. It just drives me so effing crazy…. They should have more sense. They dress with just about everything hanging out, and they don't expect normal people to stare at them… God. Some people are stupid.

Next subject: Emo's. God, these people just exist because they want attention. For instance, i know an Emo girl who complains that no one ever likes her… yet she has a WHOLE bunch of friends, and get's a new boyfriend, what… Every month, week? I should be the one complaining. I've only had one girlfriend in my entire life. But she loves me like crazy. She still is my girlfriend, as a matter of fact. And i'm not complaining..

Let's see… what else… Something positive? Let me think..

Ahh yes. As it turns out, i spoke with Alpha Man earlier, and to me, he is a great person. I'm sorry i got the wrong idea about you, Alpha.. It was just because of your comments.


That's it for now. Hurray. Semi-intelligent post!

Maybe more will come in the near future… MAYBE.

Or i'll just rip a few of my myspace blogs out. Yeah. That'll work.



ludamad 19 years ago


ludamad 19 years ago

Alpha_man can be really annoying, like when he said "fisha fisha boi" all the time.

But he can be fun, like when we spammed EricDB's forum =D

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

MYSpace Is Evil. BUt i use it nonethless.

Alpha Man 19 years ago

PS - Alpha_Man is most definitely not a great guy. I talk to him just about every day, and I assure you he is not.
