BIG Compilation!

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 1, 2006, 11:38 p.m.

My Confessions…

Ok, look.. I'm tired of having this surface over me. Maybe people want to hear my confessions.. maybe not..

First off, i am Majorly Perverted.. it's something i'll never get past, not through my entirely life..

SEcondly, I hold a grudge against most living things for sometimes, No reason at all..

I mean, more people need to admit their confessions..

I constantly find myself staring off into space, or more often, at girls, because i like doing it. It's just something i want to, and can do.

Ahh yes. Has anyone told you they don't Masturbate? Chances are, they are lying. Almost everyone on earth does it. It's good for you, Medically. If you don't do it.. Do it. It can relieve stress.. It can make you feel great. Take it from me.

I really hate Superficial people…

I want to know people as they truly are, not as they want to be.

I dislike Vain and Narcissistic people..

If you spend too much time on your looks.. You deserve to be Attacked…

No one really cares how you look… And if someone does, you don't deserve their time. You should go off, and explore other possibilities…

I constantly have Sadistic thoughts.. I get off on pain sometimes..

I constantly contemplate murdering people, just for the joy of seeing them bleeding… Of course.. only people i severely dislike.

I dislike people who are labeled as Emo's…

Emo Girls complain that no boy likes them, then they get a new boyfriend every week. What the fuck?

And don't get me started on Goth's… I have nothing against the TRUE goths… But all these wanna-be's… My God. I hope you do commit suicide.

Let's see… what else..

I Hate overly preppy people…

I hate people who don't take time to listen to me..

i hate people who i can't hold a decent conversation with…

And don't get me started on Arguements… All people do is say "Shutup! NO! I'M RIGHT!". Or at least, that's what i'm used to. Everyone wants to be right. But i don't get the chance to prove my point..

I hate high school/Middle school/whatever stereotypes..

As my friend, Robert, says… We are all different from each other…. no one is normal. We are all different in each others eyes…

And for god sakes… Actually.. that's the end. Yeah. I might have a continuation. Who Knows?


Your country, or your LIFE?

Make a decision: Your country, or Your life?

Current mood: Fuck The System! O.O

Yes. I am just putting this bulletin up, to see how many people understand how america works.. We're not just some superpower of a democracy.. We're a country shrouded in secrecy, conspiracy, and evil… The government doesn't want us to know half the things we know. Interesting? It should be. Nonetheless.. We should be glad we live here. We live in the greatest place in the world… In most places, we wouldn't have half the freedoms we have in this great country… America is a weird place.. I mean, millions of people die, and the government was thinking of banning artificial sweetener once because a fucking rat died! Does that make no sense? They think of banning toy guns, and keeping the fucking real ones? WHERE ARE THEIR BRAINS? Those are both information i found out via george cralin, by the way.. also, from Research… We spend so much money on weapons, while so many children leave the World per hour from starvation.. I agree that this is wrong, but we need these weapons, just in cas something bad happens.. I think they should devote some money TO the starving people though…. A few ways i think as shown by a song.. "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country HAS DONE to you!"… "The only reason you're alive is because someone has decided to let you live".. Wow. Interesting wisdom, from the song Dogma, by KMFDM. nonetheless… Well.. Yeah


Complaints, Rants, And Raves!

Ok., i'm doing this again. I'm tired of people acting like they only have half a brain, and a full ego. Yeah. Everyone acts all bold, doing stupid things, and being recognized for it. I try to do something stupid.. and people just look at me like "And that's why you don't so drugs.". They're probably doing drugs… Anyways.. Have you ever wanted to complain about some of your friends? I do.. i have a few complaints.. for starters.. You wanna know what i hate? These people who slit their wrists to get rid of the pain.. Bullshit. You're just making more pain. What are you going to do then? Slit your other wrist, so you can't feel the first one? What are you going to slit after that? Why not try your fucking neck? Maybe then you'll stop with the cutting. Ok. Let me say this. Everyone see's Anarchy the wrong way. Anarchy isn't about killing people, or blowing shit up. It's about expressing points as an individual, rather than a group.. I am an anarchist.. But not a hardcore one. I wouldn't go as far as to killing someone to prove my point… In my Political standings.. I'm heavily Democratic, or liberal. Whatever you prefer. Our republican office is trying to stop everything. They're saying Gay marriage is wrong, and yet they have no problem with smoking, and drinking… What in the world is their problem? Gay marriage can't kill people. Smoking, and Drinking does, and yet, they still allow it. I just can't stand bush… He sits their acting like he know's everything.. Then something bad happenes… and… "Where's Muh daddeh?". Bush. They invented School for a reason. Not to bribe teachers. They made it so you can learn.. Anyways. You want to know something i'll never get over? The fact that the world is so vain, and ignorant of other people's requests.


I thank god for Angel. She encourages speaking your mind. I do too. If you don't do stuff like this.. then… Why are you not? Anyways. Let's see.. What else do we have to say… Right. For all you people who don't know the difference. I'm not a fucking nerd. I'm a fucking Techie, and a fucking Geek. Learn the difference. I do know a lot.. But that makes me smart. A techie is a person who is Technologically Advanced (Like Moi), and a Geek is someone who is easily obsessed with something… Anyways. Yeah. I like to talk about things, as in, rant, and rave, and complain.. because life is stupid with CERTAIN people…. *coughbushcough*. Ever since bush was Elected as president in 2000…. I have been more politically active. You want to know something? I hate people who, when you try to talk to them, just look at you, and walk off. Normally, these are the "popular" people. One of my friends told me "BUt what if they experienced some event?". That's no reason to not fucking acknowledge me. I said hi. LEarn to Acknowledge people, asshole. The only way that could be condoned, would be if you were mute. Even so, what would a mute be doing in an actual school? I have nothing against them.. But i didn't know they could be schooled regularly. I thought they had to be Home-Schooled… Any way around. You know what i hate? Huy's who say that they are in a romantic relationship, then never actual listen to their Girlfriend. She's talking, and her breast's aren't two extra faces to look at. Look up about 5 or so inches.. Maybe then you can say something besides, "Huh? Oh. I Love you..", to her when she is done talking. If you truly loved her, then you would care neough to know that she is a living being, who requires more attention than you. That's the basics of dating. And i believe in it firmly. Girls are different. They require love, sensitivity, and care.. So learn to like it, otherwise… I'd rather not say. Now. Anyone know what units conspiracy is measured in? That's right. None. But i give them there own units. What are they? DS (Darkness Shrouds). Based upon the level of the Conspiracy, i give it different DS's. The harder it is to Believe, the less DS's it gains, while the harder it is to believe.. the more. That was just some random information.. heh… Anyways… Come on. I know some of you people want to write something like this. So why don't you? Are you afraid of something? Am i making any sense to you dense people? Hey. You want to know something? Vegetarian's aare telling Meat eater's that cows.. are killing the OZone.. and they ask what we Meat Eaters Do? WE'RE EATING THE MOTHERFUCKING COWS! Anyways.. I have no problem with vegetarians.. Until they start complaining that they are lacking energy. That's because you are lacking the protein meat provides… And with that.. I'm done.


Megalomaniacal, And Harder than the Rest!

Yeah. I was just bored when i wrote this. I could do some long thing, asking about "What you think of me", or "What are the answer's to these (retarded) questions". But.. Is anyone tired of this, besides me? I mean, i know it's fun to fill out.. but isn't it mindlessly Repetitititititititititive? Yeah, it is. It's about as repetitive as every one of bush's speeches, saying, "I love this country. And i am doing everything in my power, trying to protect it." Shut up, Bush. You're a conservative. All you're trying to do is ban Gay and LEsbian Love, along with Feelings, and Love in general. You're the equivalent of Prozium in Equilibrium, living only to extinguish love… You know what? If you had never made an oil deal with Osama Himself.. this probably would have not happened. And did you ever consider staying out of Iraq? Maybe you SHOULD rely more on Daddy. He might be a conservative, too.. But he knows what he is doing. If only Lincoln was still alive.. He could help out severely.. After being taught what all this awkward Electronics was is not "Witchcraft"…. Yeah. I'm not going to follow the traditional Paragraph format. I don't want to. I want the world to know i'm different, and if they don't like it.. They can just dive head-first into a raging Bon-Fire…. Try coating yourself with Kerosene Before. we want entertainment. Nonetheless… Let's move on to something else. Are you tired of the Esoteric, mundane Loop of every day life? SO am i. that's why i'm here to offer you a deal.. Not really. If you want it to change, then do so. IF you don't want it to change.. Then good for you. You must be perfectly fine with your life… I should "Smite you in the face", as i like to say.. Nonetheless… you need to learn that life isn't perfect, and never will be until the Second Coming of christ (For christians), Nirvana (For buddhists), or whatever Shintoists, Tantoists, Muslims, or Atheists, or whatever have… Nonetheless.. You never want to doubt someone who is smart. Yet you still do. Yeah. People say that a smart person has NO trouble getting a girlfriend. Nice to know that you can lie. I don't really care anymore… Alright. Next Scenario, if i can think of one… Well.. I can't, at the moment.. Wait.. I'm tired of society judging every other man like it's their job in the first place. The only person fit to judge man.. Is no living being. Man is man, woman is woman, animal is animal, Amoeba is Amoeba…. Judging another person is one of the worst things people do, and they keep doing it. I try not to do it, but when people ignore me.. It just happens. When they treat me like shit… It happens…And for godsakes.. Just because i know how to make bombs, that doesn't make me a terrorist. It only means that i am informed on certain subjects. Just because i'm a pervert, is no reason to outcast me. Just because you don't like me, is no reason to outcast me.. One of my best friend's in the world hated me more than hell in 6th grade.. And what is it with these people that spend all this time on the phone? I use the phone. But i use something called a home phone. I can wait to get home. I don't need my mom to spoil me even further by buying me a worthless piece of plastic with some technology inside that cost's 100 bucks, yet probably took 1 dollar to make… And you know what pisses me off? When you try to talk to someone, and they just look at you with that kind of look that just says, 'shut up…".. Especially when you first meet them. I want people to shut up a lot, yet i rarely say it… Especially this girl on my bus, who pisses me off halfway to hell. I said hi to her. She just looked at me like i was crazy. Then, somehow… The conversation turned to Harassment. Yeah. Like talking is harassment. It's expressing my freedom to free speech, also known as, hello.. THE FIRST AMENDMENT. Look it up someday, you stupid bitch, if that cock ever leaves your mouth. Also, For your information.. IF you want to hear me better, pull the cock's out of your ears. It helps. Maybe all that talking on the cell phone HAS radiated you. I wouldn't be surprised if your head just swelled up, and exploded one day. Hell. That means Free drink. Everyone likes a little blood, no? And as per another thing.. I could also make some quick money like that. There's always some Desperate Necrophiliacs nearby… It's worth it even more if they are Necro's, and Pedo's.. Oh god, i am evil. But hey. Once i get your body back, if i do… It's hanging on my Fucking Mantel on my fireplace, slowly burning as i funnel the fire into it…. Eating away at the flesh… corroding the insides.. Your Overly-perfumed flesh just fueling the flame, more and more… Whatever's left.. I'll feed to my fucking dog. The point is.. I don't like being pissed off… So don't do it. Otherwise… err… Well.. Never mind. Although i'm a pervert, that doesn't mean i stoop so low as to base girls upon how big their bra size is. It's all about if they love you, if they care for you.. I mean, hell… Breast's are on men too.. They just don't *protrude* that often… And it's just a body part, made overly famous by Porno… I used to be addicted to porno.. Now i am starting to get pissed off at it.. Oi.. It's just so stupid. Anyone who has a problem with my ideal's… Go Fornicate yourself with a flaming titanium rod.. That'll teach you a lesson. Or better yet, Relive my life. Be Rejected all your life. Be physically abused as a child. Have a father who only pays attention to his daughter's. Have everyone laugh at you. Have everyone poke fun at you. Live my life for once.. And see how much of a blessing it is to be cool… And how you should learn to listen to people, instead of being an Arrogant asshole.. You make me sick. Anyways.. I'm done with this. Hope you had fun reading this.


About Me…

Yeah, i know, most people don't care. But, if you took the time to read this, then maybe you do care. I just want to throw this out. I'm fucking perverted. Deal with it. Stuff happens. I was physically abused as a child. I've never had a true girlfriend, so to speak. I've been denied of a lot of things i should have had. I like to treat people with respect, but only if they would do the same to me. I don't like hating people, bu there are some people i hate . I like trying to give People chances, but they usually don't like to give me a chance. I'm a tad bit of a psuedo-anarchist, or neo-anarchist. Whatever you want to call it. I spend all day on my computer. Why? I can't go outside. None of my friends really live near me. I have no way to get there.. So i stay home all day. Everyone wants me to change. That's like asking me to do the impossible. How i am is How i am. Unless i can get a friend that would live near me, and not move, and a girl friend, i will never change. I believe in Free Speech for every person, though i tell a lot of people to be quiet. Most of the time, i tell them to be quiet joking around, but any other time, it's because i was offended by something they said. I REALLY love pyrotechnics, Bombs, Hacking, any Anarchic Activity… I Love my ROTC class, i hate the PTing. I love school, and i hate it at the same time. I hate my bus, and i.. Hate my bus! In any case… I have many awkward fantasies and Obsessions that wil probably never come true. I say a lot of dark and violent stuff because that is the way i am. Never saw that coming? Niether did i. But it happened. I have a positive outlook on life sometimes, but then again.. It can be grim every now and then. I LOVE READING ABOUT CONSPIRACIES! I'm a big conspiracist. I also believe in Extra-Terrestrial Life. Yeah, i'm an alien nut. If you don't like it, learn to deal with it. I am debased to doing nothing in school, but "looking" at certain "people", so to speak, because of an increased perversion.. i like fooling around alot, but i never get the chance. I have so many friends online that understand me… I seriously think the world needs to change. When i'm not an Anarchist, i'm a very Democratic, Liberal Person. I don't hate bush as much anymore, but i do dislike him. I now realize all that he has gone through, and i am beginning to like him more, but i still do not like him that much. I am very proper when typing online. Unless it's a formal Abbreviation, i probably won't use it. The only abbreviations i tend to use are WTF, PWN, and N00B, and that's just because they fall into my Hacker Lifestyle. I don't get good grades because i tend to be a little lazy, and not turn my work in. People tend to treat me like i'm just dust to them. I'm not stupid. I just tend to act that way. I have been told i would make either a great lawyer (because i love to argue, especially when defending one's honor), or a psychologist (People have told me that i have… somewhat of an advanced understanding of the human Psyche for my age. Or so says my Friend, Angel… My nickname online (Pseudoname, anybody?) is Goh. Goh Ai Aziwaru. Yeah. I am a japanese freak/nerd. I'm also a German Freak. In any case.. the whole name can be shortened to Goh-Sama, or Goh-Dono. I LLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEE To RP (Role Play) with my friends. Just ask me sometime, and i'll send you a transcript of one of my RP sessions. I printed it out, and it was 12 pages long… O.o;;;;;. In any case… I just love to argue. I don't know why. I also love researching on awkward subjects. I usually have at least 40 pages on how to make bombs, among other Anarcho-related stuff. You give me 20 dollars, and i could probably destroy a car. In any case… I listen to A lot of alternative (not alternative rock.. ) music. I usually listen Goth Rock, Japanese Pop, Japanese Rock, German Rock, Industrial Rock, Industrial Techno, Euro, Retro, Techno, Dance, Electronica, Trance, and Screamo. A short list of bands would be Android Lust, Brighter Death NOW!, Mindless Self Indulgence, Balzac, The Dwarves, Anti-flag (POLITICAL ROCK!!!!), KMFDM, MDFMK, Pigface, and Slick idiot. I have a twisted outlook compared to most people. I think a lot of people deserve to die for the things they have done, yet, even more people should live. I really wish i could stretch this out, so i will try to. My hands aren't tired yet. I rarely have dreams, but, when i do, someone always dies. In my last dream, i was eating out in a restaurant with my mom, on mother's day, i think, when i guy just pulled a shotgun out of nowhere, cocked it, and killed some Person… This is probably because i have witnessed actual deaths, and not just on movies. I have sick, perverted fantasies. I've thought about suspending a girl from the ceiling by her wrists, and calves, and forcing her to… wEll, you can get the rest. You might think i'm not a normal person, but trust me… I am as normal as i can be. I love video games, and i love Talking to my friends on AIM. If it weren't for them, Angel Especially, i would go insane. I don't believe that music can drive a person mad, and neither can video games, unless they are truly mad to begin with. I wish the world was more violent. IF it weren't for violence, there would be no peace. I like reading. I don't really fall under a certain category, but i tend to stick to anything that is non-fiction (Like documentaries, etc.). I also like to write, and Draw… In any case. I'm the most politically savvy in my family. When it comes to politics, i'm usually doing research, while my family watches their *fake* background on the TV. I'm a rather paranoid person, and, a little schizophrenic. Look at my profile to know for sure. Also, i can't stand it when smart people treat people who are not as gifted as them like crap. I love helping people out, but most people just don't ask for help. I understand how most people think, and, if i don't already, i can talk to them for a while to learn how they think. I like Mindfucking around with people (Implanting false thoughts into their head), and seeing if it works. I'm like a hypnotist without the WATCH THIS WATCH VERY CLOSELY stuff. I love.. well.. actually, i have gone over most of it, by now. My 3 Heroes in life are Sawao Yamanaka, LEad singer of the pillows, Sascha Konietzko, lead singer of KMFDM, and Till Lindemann, lead singer of Rammstien. Now that i think of it, My platoon Commander, C/Ensign Podhajsky, my SNSI, Commander Richards, and my NSI, First Sargeant (is that how you spell it?) Eubanks, are all great heroes to me. Well, that's it for now.


Gary Taylor Warman

(This one is rather old…)


melee-master 19 years ago

I agree with you on almost all your points in this compiled blog. And yes, I actually read it all. =) Reading is fun.

I also dislike people that think the world revolves around them and stuff…

People enjoy calling me a nerd as well, but that's almost always just friends. So no harm done.

And yes, the world can be cruel.

melee-master 19 years ago

Krysho, you deleted your comment?

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

Someone who agree's with me! -thanks melee-master greatly-

melee-master 19 years ago


Why wouldn't I agree with you for most of everything you wrote? Because what you wrote is the truth.

melee-master 19 years ago

I've always been interested in stuff like outer space, ghosts, and aliens. It's interesting.

When I lived in the states, the place where my dad worked was haunted. He and other people there had many ghostly encounters. I can really only remember one though.

ludamad 19 years ago

Sometime I'll read this all, right now I'm tired. But im glad to see you made one giant blog.

Maxcore 19 years ago

That was really long. I only read about slitting wrists, but I agree with that lol. I hate them.