Stereotyping... Bad?

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 8, 2006, 1:19 a.m.

I'm tired of dealing with Stereotypes night and day. Korberos, you stay the hell out of this because i hate you, and wish death upon you.

Anyways.. I'm tired of going to school, and dealing with everyone trying to fit into the right group, the right stereotype for themselves…

Why can't people just be normal? Ah well.. Can someone please answer my question?

Why is it so important to be with the crowd? In my opinion, it's far better to be respected, than to be admired….

I guess that's just the way i am.

Stereotype V. Prejudice

Evil V. Evil…

Why do people do this stupid crap?


melee-master 19 years ago

Because it's what people do. Yeah, it happens less as people grow more mature though.

People? Normal? What do <i>you</i> define as normal?

It isn't important to be with the crowd, certain people just want to be "cool", or "popular". In my opinion there is no such thing as someone cool. In my opinion, all the "cool" people are idiots.

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

By Normal, i mean… Well.. Think of the cavemen.

Their only effort was to live.

They didn't want to fit in… They only wanted to make sure they live..

To me, normal means that you are Living to LIVE, and not to be IMPORTANT, not to try and FIT IN everywhere

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

That Korberos comment was a bit harsh, shouldn't wish death on anyone. Plus…he's nice :3

And yep, at school it's something that will never go away. People want to be accepted, they want a group. No one's really "cool" here…. everyones just their own little groups. Just oodles of trend setters….and I hate it too, it's pretty pointless and so is the amount of money they spend on the retarted clothes they buy, but hey…can't help it. It'll always go on. Some people just care about others opinions more than other people.

To them, it IS normal.

Rez 19 years ago

i love the internet…lol

ludamad 19 years ago

The word normal is very relative. I am normal when compared to my friends, but I might be weird to another crowd.

ludamad 19 years ago

I've dealt with Canadian stereotypes on the internet quite a bit, some guy was asking me if I smoke pot, if I'm gay… etc

ludamad 19 years ago

I respect many people, but admire few. I think that it would be something bigger if I admired someone.

Josea 19 years ago

I don't care about what other people think aout me. I'm me, gml_josea, not a person who wants to imit someone, because trying to be "cool" is the same as trying to be someone else.

firestormx 19 years ago

Usualy when you admire someone, you have to respect them first.

And life would be boring by your standards of normal. Now-a-days, if you can afford the internet, odds are you're not going to die of intense poverty…And other than that, the only thing that'll kill us in masses is war or dissease.

Otherwise, all we need is a bit of common sense to stay alive.

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

"I will not accept Korberos as a nice person if all he does is treat me like crap" -that's still no reason so wish death on someone.

"Ah, and thank you pandaroo, but personally this argument is really between MahFreenMah and myself. Don't get yourself worried about it."- habit of defending my friends >w<

And to what fsx said, SO true. And how do you know cavemen didn't want to fit in? >.> maybe they did…. <.< we don't know that for sure. Don't assuuume. But yes, living as cave men did, just to live or survive or w/e…kinda boring…