MFABlog #1 (I caved in. And i wanted to follow in Luda's footsteps.)

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 9, 2006, 11:59 p.m.

<FONT SIZE=6><B><STRONG><FONT COLOR="firebrick">It's Time for the First….. MFABlog!</FONT></B></STRONG></FONT>

<MARQUEE direction=up behavior=alternate >Rawr</marquee>

<FONT COLOR="firebrick">In the 64D News,

-Well, as it would turn out, i suppose that <A HREF="">Korberos</A> still highly dislikes me… I find it irrational, and Asinine, now that i think about it.

-Thank god for <A HREF="">Ludamad</A>, <A HREF="">Kenon</A>, And <A HREF="">Canadonian</a>. They succesfully persuaded me to stay, And for that, i'm happy.

-At This point in time, I am SEVERELY grounded for making bad grades, so i may not be able to be on 64D that often… then again…

-Apparently, <A HREF=""> Melee-Master</A> recently released an updated version of his Platformer… Check out the post <A HREF="">Here</A>

-AS we all know, Alpha-Man was banned, unfairly, in my opinion. And so, i take this brief moment of time to reflect upon why people get this treatment…

And then i resume the MFABlog

-Also, <A HREF=""> Pandaroo_Fang</A> convinced me to stay, So i thank her as well. Hope your dry writing period ends soon… I'm still hoping mine does as well.

-Well, it would seem that <A HREF="">DarkSirrusGames</A> has made a new site! GO check it out, by clicking <A HREF="">Here</A> to go to the blog.

-Oh, and, this really isn't news…

<FONT SIZE=28>><></FONT>

It's a giant fishy!

In World News,

-It would seem that the U.S.A., Germany, and Russia have agreed to write off all debts towards Afghanistan, although russia seems to have a certain task the Afghani's must do before it will write off it's Supposedly 10 Billion dollar debt. <A HREF="">Click here for the article on</A>

-The riots over the political cartoon portraying the Divine Prophet, Mohammed, have grown larger, and larger in the Middle east. At this point in time, it becomes more violent, day by day.<A HREF="">Link to the Article</A>

-An american Journalist, Jill Carroll, was abducted in kuwaiti, for reasons so far unkown. She just recently got a video out on Kuwaiti Television, and Ss, we have footage of it here in america.<A HREF=""> Article</A>

Graphics Designing

-Ok, i know how osme of you like to look at my 3D renders… Thanks for the support. I love having it. Seeing as you like it so much, i have started to devote more time to it. I even made a copy of my 3D renderers on a disk so i could use them at school. If you ever have any requests, please ask.

I suppose that's it for now…

Oh, Wait.


"I Hate Quotations" -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

And so…

Tschau, Tschüs, Auf Wiedersehen, Sayonara, Adios, Whatever else you want me to say….


(This would look better… But i forgot most of my HTML. It'll come back with time, though.)


Kenon 19 years ago

This trend would have never happened If I never created Kenoblog…..

ludamad 19 years ago

You can't be sure, but it definitely wouldn't of happened if I didn't make LudaBlog =D

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

One Moment, Ludamad.

RAcism IS NOT illegal in real life. You can say that you hate black people, Arabic people, anything…

Neo-Nazism, and the KKK can't be jailed. They are only expressing their opinions.

They can be surpressed, though. IT really isn't illegal, though.

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

Actually, they are 100% legal until it starts to get violent… Then the police get mad, and start attacking even more.

That's what i forgot to add on to that little comment… X_x

ludamad 19 years ago

Actually racism is technically illegal, .

flashback 19 years ago

That's britain, MFA feels that this canadian site is governed by american laws.

ludamad 19 years ago

But, racism is still illegal in america.

SleepinJohnnyFish 19 years ago

no… it really isn't, ludamad. I can stand in the middle of New York city and yell the word "nigger" or "gook" or "spik" or "chink" all I want and it isn't technically breaking the law (although, like all things, including breathing too loud, someone could argue it made them feel uncomfortable or unsafe)

Racism is in no way illegal, only violence and hate-crimes and such cross the line into ilelgal actions.

SleepinJohnnyFish 19 years ago

you know what I just realized? Thought-provoking, interesting discussion is coming from MFA's blog….. I'm…. <i>impressed</i>

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

And you know what i just realized? Korberos AGREED with me on something, in a sort. I'm Impressed, as well.