Out Of Place!

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 16, 2006, 6:59 p.m.

Ok.. I really re-inforce my statement made earlier… I feel so out of place in my computer class.. I mean.. I'm one of the fastest learner's, and workers in it…

I've never really been one to like bragging, but i can't help it.. I just feel like i am one of the best people in that class..

For instance, i thought i would suck at Java, and HTML the first days we started them. About a day later, i was ahead of everyone else in all the work..

AS i said before, ask my friend here on 64D that goes to my school, VanHelsing.


Josea 19 years ago

Come on, in my school is worst. They teach us so basic things that i could get a whip and whip my teacher. I think i know far mor eprogramming than my teacher. I 3 teachers, one is old and knows a lot about databases *cough*only foxpro*cough*sucky*cough*. The other knows a lot of networks, she's the school's network manager, she knows a lot, but heck, she's so stupid sometimes, she didn't know the existence of firefox. Th eother is the dumbest of all them, in fact, she didn't study computer in college, she just study the teacher's career and autolearned computers.

Ugh, she knows how to use BASIc, FoxPro and Visual Basic, and incipient HTMl. come on, I know far more HTML than her, I believe she doesn't know what's CSS and PHP.

Heh, i'll write a blog about this

Kaz 19 years ago

Hey thats like me in my computer class. But I knew I would be better than everyone else =)

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

It surprised me that i would be better than everyone else…

If you're going t otake a computer class, why would you nt be that ogod at it? Heh.

ludamad 19 years ago

I'm out of place in my math class, it's enhanced (above academic) but I still feeling like I'm way above the rest.

ludamad 19 years ago

I was the first to finish I test I had today, and I didn't have a calculator. Doing 2 to the 19 in your head is annoying >.<

Kaz 19 years ago

I hate the class now though. He gives us a program and doesnt teach us how to use it. I mean if youre a teacher you should know more than the students. With most of the class it is true, but for the people who sit around all day on computers we know more than him. Yea thats only like 3 people but whatever.

Kenon 19 years ago

Math is too easy.

Kenon 19 years ago

I signed up for mental mat competition. I will take 1st. I guarantee it.