Might this make sense to some?

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 20, 2006, 8:57 p.m.

IF i was to, oh say, start off this blog, saying, that it would be a short sentece, per say, would that be true, or would it be false, as, i can easily modify that by making logical links of words inside the same sentence that can continue this one sentence going on for an unknown amount of time, that of either, until i get tired of typing, or, that of when i run out of logical strings to add into this large string, as it may be, which, in it's entirety, would seem impossinle, because, in a proper sentence, there is always something extra you can add on, and, thus, i have turned this sentence around, as i have said that it was a short one, but, in turn, describing the process of making it longer, i have thus, made it a long sentence, and, contradicted my first statement, leading me to think that if this were to be a short sentence, why is it that i, the writer of this blog entry, would think to increas it's length, it's girth, perhaps, just for the sheer pleasure of making people read this, only to realize that, there is no seperation of words in this sentence, leading them to the knowledge that this is one sentence that, although it rambles in a roundabout way, it still makes sense in a direct fashion, as it strays away from the point, yet still stays on it at the same time, leading to a most likely confused reader at the end.

That would be you.

And yes, i didn't type this a million times before. Rather, i just thought of new words to add to it as i was typing it.


ludamad 19 years ago

If you were to say that was a short sentence, thou would be a liar.

DSG 19 years ago

lol thats wierd but cool

melee-master 19 years ago

Heh. Interesting.