Thoughts on Our Final Destiny

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 23, 2006, 8:04 a.m.

I'v ebeen meaning to open up a blog of mine and perhaps, start an intellectual discussion on the literal end of time. My thoughts are as follows.

I recently finished reading a book, "Cracking The Apocalypse Code", by Gerard Bodson, and i find it rather interesting. It analyzes words in the Revelations as their hebrewic counterpart, and uses hebrewic numerology to compare them to modern people, items, etc. Now, according to the book, the Third World War is to start at Midday on February 5, 2043. If you read the bible, you will recall that Satan was imprisoned for 1000 years. However, in hebrewic numerology, there are things you do to numbers. In turn, Although it says 1000 years, it is actually 100, in god's terms. Now, the satan it refers to is no more than Adolf Hitler. His death was his imprisonment. At this given moment, there is someone on the earth, who, in 2043, will do the same thing as hitler. The war is destined to start when someone bombs Japan.

Now, if you recall that video of a Nuclear Test, One of those types of bombs is set to be used, i believe, a Hydrogen bomb. It will be so powerful, that, for thousands of miles, it's shockwave will launch objects, and rupture eardrums. Not only that, but it will tear a hole in the o-zone layer, allowing direct UV rays to come through, and de-carbonize our eyes. In all entirety, it would seem that, This would be the final Armageddon.

Any thoughts, any ideas, other people?


firestormx 19 years ago

1) How do you figure hitler was the devil? Does it say directly? Does it add up properly? How do you know it's not Sadam? I mean, he killed (or gave the order to) kill thousands of people (majority of them being iraqi, so you could say he was attempting a hypocritical iraqi holocaust! :o)

2) God doesn't have "time terms". There is no time in heaven.

3) The bible mentions a time or two, that no one knows when this stuff will happen. This doesn't mean "I'm not going to tell anyone, but if the 6.5 billion people in the world take a guess at a date, one of you is bound to be right", it means that no one will ever know.

Now, it's debatable what Jesus means by "the time of my return". Does he mean that no one will ever be able to calculate the time HE himself returns, or no one will know when the apocolypse will begin, etc…

4) How do you know it'll be Japan? I don't know if Japan was even inhabited back in the early ACs when Revelations was written…And if it was, it probably wasn't called Japan. (Plus I've read Revelations, and it doesn't mention anything about Japan. =P)

So either that Bodson guy has horrible reading problems, or he's piecing together clues…But what does Japan have that will be prevailant in 2043? It's a country of islands…But Indonesia is bigger. It's technologicaly advanecd, but so was Russia back in the cold war. It's got a large asian population mass…But China's population is larger. It had two nukes dropped on it's soil…But in that movie, Russia also dropped a nuke on it's soil. Nintendo is Japanese…And you can't really change that. However I doubt God would specify a country simply by "they created gameboy".

5) How do you know it'll be an atomic/hydrogen bomb? the A-bomb has only been around for like 60-70 years, how do you know they won't find a more destructive force of energy in the next 40 years?

6) Why will the apocalypse be a war? Wars pretty much kill everybody without discernment, but Revelations says something about non-christians having to live on the earth for another x ammount of days. (I watched Left Behind recently, so it's got my memory all screwed up…I gotta re-read Revelations again before I start stating false facts…) Maybe all the Christians will be visiting Tokyo at the same time, and then Tokyo gets nuked, and all the christians go to heaven…But all the world's weapons are being stored in a warehouse in Tokyo as well, so they get destroyed too, so people can't mass-murder each other.

Since I need to re-read Revelations again, I'll stop asking questions…

You should write out your thoughts in essay form, before starting a debate…It gives people more facts/beliefs to argue about. =P

SleepinJohnnyFish 19 years ago

days are not 24 hour periods in the bible. In fact, they are undeterminable time periods that only represent ages or sorts, time between certain events. If you want to make assumptions on basically useless ideas, then make them with the knowledge that any evidence you have is tainted by the fact that what is written there can be interpretted one million different ways.

I especially want to mention that there are at least 100 contradictions in the bible, so most of hte evidence is, yes, incorrect. I am not doubting any form of religion, I am just saying that you can't trust what over 100 men wrote all put together. God didn't write the bible, man did.

ludamad 19 years ago

This is crazy, of course. But, then again, I am atheist.

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

Ok, towards you, Firestorm, I meant that it will be a Thermo-Nuclear bomb…

And, i didn't say Apocalypse. That's just the name of the book. I said. Armageddon, which, if you have read the bible, is the war that i mean. Now, what i am trying to say is that.. well.. It's based off of Hebraic Numerology, in the fact that, every letter in the hebrew langauge has a numeric constant attached to it. The thing is, The Revelations are FULL of prophecies, and just because they were not aware of japan, well, that doesn't mean that… Anyways, yes, I meant Thermo-Nuclear… Ok. Now, as per time terms, We aren't sure that time does not pass in heaven. This was based off of hebrew numerology, and, everything that is not divine, or, everything alive, seeing as, no man or woman can be divine, or in other words, hold a true value of 10, or 1m because of the original sin of adam and eve, we must hope to reach nine. That was just something i must say. Anyways, the term "Thousand Years" is just representative of a long time period. In Hebrew Numerology, God is 10, and the Devil is 2, to represent the two faces of evil, Leviathan, and Behemoth. Now, since god is 10, and Satan can also be represented by One, it is safe to say that The time god said, through the Gematria, a hebrew study, is actually one tenth of it, as it is the devil's time, rather. Besides, it was not god who wrote the Revelations. It was John's Interpretation of what he said.

Let's take, for instance, the Third Angel to blow his horn. At that time, it was said that a star known as Wormwood would fall to earth, and make a third of the river's undrinkable, lest people die from it.

Now. Does this sound somewhat like a familiar event in history? May i remind you of Chernobyl In the ukraine? After the nuclear reactor core exploded, it would seem that The water became undrinkable. The effects that wormwood has upon the water can easily equal Radiation. In Hebraic Numerology, Radiation, and Wormwood, have the same value. Why did i bring up Chernobyl, you may ask? Chernobyl is Ukrainian for Wormwood, last time i checked.

Nothing in the revelations says this directly. The name Adolf-Hitler-Austria held the numerical constant of 666, thus leading to believe he was Satan on earth. This devil Reincarnate, as it will seem, will bomb Japan for no good reason. How does this even Resemble hitler? He made all of his actions without thinking, elsewise, he could have gotten away with what he was doing. It doesn't matter what it has. Perhaps the Devil Reincarnate, as i refer to him, just despises the japanese, and wants to destroy them. I reccomend reading the book. It will tell you what i mean.

That about sums up my thoughts for now..

In one part of the revelations, it speaks of an angel blowing a horn, i believe, and the sky would "Roll up like a scroll". That is referring to the Thermo-Nuclear blast, And, if you want me to describe it, then i shall, with wording from the book itself. I will describe it, and It's after-effects…

"The shock wave consists of highly pressurized gas at a very high temperature, accompanied by an extremely violent winds, sweeping up everything in it's way and transforming the smallest object into a deadly projectile…"

And then, we have, from Revelations, "… and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch."

Now, in today's language…

"The energy produced during a thermo-nuclear explosion will raise the temperature by several million degrees, while during the traditional explosion it does not exceed 5000 degrees Celsius. In less than one millionth of a second, an unimaginably large wuantity of energy is released. A fireball consisting of a mass of air and gaseous residues, more brilliant than the sun, will dilate and cool down in a few secnods, thereby creating a thermic flux capable of burning everything in it's path to a cinder."

That's all i feel like typing for now. I just got home from school, and i'm tired as hell.

I hope this explained my thoughts a little.

melee-master 19 years ago


February 5, 2043

Aw geez, 14 days before my birthday. =(


Anyways, the chances of this happening are obviously quite low. Why do I say that? Because there are other planets. I'm quite positive that people will be able to leave Earth for very large extended periods of time by then. My reasoning: technology is so much more advanced than people think, or know… They're going to start building outposts on the moon within the next ten years, and send people to Mars!

This apocolypse won't happen.

Edit: By the way, that book sounds very interesting, I'd like to read it.

firestormx 19 years ago

Korberos, the bible has no contradictions. Every known contradiction "specialists" have been able to find and make public have been explained in ways that don't contradict. If you find a contradiction, go to a big christian forum, point it out, and I'm sure someone will be able to point out how they don't contradict.

Anyway, MFA, a lot of your facts seem…Thrown together. Like, if it's convenient, we'll use it.

Like the hitler name thingy being the equivilent of 666…There's been tons of rulers of countries that have gone to war that could have had a name like that too.

And the satan-to-god ratio being the time-in-heaven-to-time-on-earth equivelent isn't really that sound…

And the sky rolling up like a scroll could refer to a squadron of fighter jets flying upwards in formation, with their….Their…Whatever that white stuff is that comes out behind them is called.

*shrugs* I dunno, the guy's theories sound kinda like "oh, the number of bullets used to execute jews is probably the number of christians who will be saved from the apocalypse".

I don't really want to start debating about this though, 'cause I dont' research this stuff or anything, so I'll just end up making an ass of myself.

…Plus, I don't really care what'll happen. If it happens, it happens. You can't prevent something like this by just being careful, and learning the facts.

melee-master 19 years ago

Maybe the Earth's destiny is similiar to a book series I like…

Demons start appearing, worse and worse crime occurs, and then eventually there's a war with weapons of such huge proportions and deadly abilities that the humans destroy themselves and all of the Earth is forever changed, and yeah. Really good series, although I made it sound bad. =P

Word and Void, by Terry Brooks.

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

I can just hope that you read the book to understand.

Oh. The reason why Hitler's name is special. Many sadistic ruler's through history share 666, such as Caesar-Nero, a compound of The roman rulers Augustus Caesar, and the Pagan, Nero.

Even so.. If you read the book, you might be able to understand it on my end.