<IMG SRC= "http://megaherz.freeloadmp3.com/albums/21296_200_200.jpg">
Kopfschuss (Headshot), by Megaherz… It was within this CD that the German Metal band, Megaherz, started to go More industrial….<IMG SRC="http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B000BK8FH4.03.LZZZZZZZ.jpg">Rosenrot (Rose Red), by Rammstein. This album, although not as… ENERGETIC, so to speak, as the other album's, features some of their best songs, in my opinion, such as Mann Gegen Mann, Benzin, and Stirb Nicht Vor Mir<IMG SRC="http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B000026GAT.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg">Electric Cafe, by Kraftwerk. This band, in my opinion, is one of the best german Bands of all time. They literally pioneered sheer Electronica, and Techno, in the late 1970's.<IMG SRC="http://shop.gorillaz.com/images/gorillaz-300.jpg">Gorillaz Self-Titled Album. Probably their best Release, featuring such songs as Rock Da House, Latin Simone (Qua Pasa, Contigo?), 19-2000, Dracula, and, of course, Clint Eastwood.<IMG SRC="http://i2.ebayimg.com/03/c/04/05/aa/8d_7.JPG">Demon Days, by the Gorillaz. This one happens to feature some great songs, such as Dirty Harry, Feel Good Inc., and Kids With Guns…<IMG SRC="http://images-jp.amazon.com/images/P/B0007DAZW8.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg">Possibly Daft Punk's best CD, Human After all.. It features some of my favorite songs by them, such as One more Time, and Digital Love… <IMG SRC="http://funkysouls.com/img/KMFDMHauRuck2005.jpg">Hau Ruck, by KMFDM. Possibly one of their best CD's, with songs such as Mini Mini Mini, Free Your Hate, and Hau Ruck… I personally love the damn CD.<IMG height=300 width=300 SRC="http://www.kmfdm.net/discography/albums/symbols.jpg">Symbols, by KMFDM. Features songs such as Megalomaniac, Stray Bullet, Spit Sperm, and, one of my personal favorites, Anarchy… Perhaps one of their greatest CD's, at least, in my opinion.I guess that's it for now. I just wanted to let people know what CD's i found interesting…I doubt many people will agree with me, but who cares?Randomly Good CD's (WARNING: CD's are good to ME)
Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Feb. 28, 2006, 6:08 p.m.
Korberos… I wasn't being sarcastic…
Popopopopo-duba-popopopoppo-duba-popcorn. Haha.