I know, it was a totally random title, and had nothing to do with this. But, the one thing i have to say to all of you is: Never trust a rifle. Those things are heavy… Especially the one's we had to drill with earlier in ROTC. They had cement inside of them, to De-millitarize them. But, they were easy to carry around. Anyways, let's see. I'm going to try to post something important in this blog, after all, i unchecked my last blog to make room for it.. so.. Hmm..
Ah Yes. Many of you are mad at me for having so many blogs, or rather, making so many blogs in one day. And to you all, i say, Bite me. If you don't like it, then start making more blogs. What sort of community would limit it's Users to how many times they can post their thought throughout the day? I can understand the rule about no shory blogs, etc.. But why limit the number? I can understand having to uncheck the previous one, but why is it that people still get mad when i do that?Ah well.Merry Christmas, everyone..<s><tt>And a happy new year…</tt></s>
I suppose so… Although, leetness isn't something important.
<s>.<br>..<br>…<br>….<br>…..<br>….<br>…<br>..<br>.<bt>Hahaha</s>I wasn't the only one to warn you.
ARRE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!? GOOD GOD! L337ll355 MEANS EVERYTHING!<B>EVERYTHING!!!!!!!</B> ok, i'm done with the ranting.
Haha, Funny. That's a <s>God-Awful Lie</s> God-righteous truth.
And…. 1337 doesn't mean anything. At least, it doesn't mean everything…
<s>Java Means More</s>C++ Means more.……………………….. you need to die for the sake of god. btw, gods last words to man were "WHERE THE $%^# DID I GO WRONG?!?! NOOOOOOOO!" A.K.A "MAN: gods 'little' oops." we were talkin about that, remember?
good. that's infact exactly what your parents said when you were born. OUCH! BURNAGE! lol. of course, another joke.
um, sorry?