Fire without Water

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Aug. 16, 2007, 3:03 a.m.

Yes. Stuff from me. I'm just here to put some random pictures up, and talk about a few things. FIRST.

<img src="">

Fuck yes, motivational posters that are random!

Next; My new setup for the CAPTCHA.

<img src="">

So yeah. That's about it for the images. Now, to move on to other things… You will now point your browser to , and listen to the music there.

And then, of course, I have decided to return to GM. For what reason, I have no fucking clue. Give me ideas, and I'll try to put them into a game, or something.

More filler:


Can I say something? Yes, I can, and I shall.

What is logic? What is yes? What is no? These are questions that I shall attempt to answer with this, and, with any given hope, will do such a thing. First, let's look at our most primal, binary decisions.

Given that we are sentient, and human, we have the ability to make up our mind about something with two basic impulses: positive and negative. We KNOW these impulses by the basic words yes, and no. For instance, assuming that you dislike being burnt, if someone asked you a question that entails you being burnt, what would you say? I would assume that you would respond negatively, id est, NO.

That's a simple definition of it. And I think that's the only definition that is needed. Be a more concrete example needed, I will satisfy such needs.

Now, let's move onto logic. What is logic? What do we even know about logic? Well, quite simply, logic is the DECISION between yes and no based on certain pretenses.

For instance, say you DON'T like being burnt, and someone is going to burn you. Now, here's where logic kicks in. Here, it is said to be TRUE, or 1, that you do not enjoy the status that is hereafter referred to as burnt. You may think it's awkward of me to say things like what I previously said, but in the concept of logic and semantics, EVERYTHING has to be properly defined.

Anyways. Given that you can succumb to impulses, you have a logical gate to go through. That gate asks a question to the event about to happen: "Are you something that will burn me?" If the event replies, "Yes," or 1, the gate will try its best to deny access of the event into the host. This would probably be best physically portrayed as someone dodging some sort of flame coming at them.

Here, we have just defined what logic ultimately is: The ability to make choices based on certain pretenses or rules. Now, let us go further into logic…

Let's introduce NOT, AND, and OR. From here on out, NOT will be represented with the symbol ~, AND with &, and OR with |. All events will be of the set E, which is a subset of the superset, or in this case, universe of events and pretenses, U, where P are the pretenses. Given that you want some sort of pseudosyntax to access objects, you could do something like E(OBJECT_NAME), U(E)(OBJECT_NAME), and the like.

Now, given that we have our U, let's define a two events.

E(1) will be "Falling down from a high place", E(2) will be "The concept of Death."

Now why not define some pretenses?

P(1) will be "Fear of heights," P(2) will be "Human status," P(3) will be "Fear of the unknown," and P(4) will be "Suicidal."

Now, given that the event E(1) were to happen, or ABOUT to happen, we have 4 pretenses to check and see if we want to stop this. The most likely one will be P(1), wherein we learn that we have a fear of heights. However, if P(4) were to be true of us, we might be more inclined to do it.

This is where logical structures come in. They take the general structure of:

If event is happening, then check for pretense to see if event should (continue|stop).

So, assuming that you were falling, you would encounter at least TWO pretenses here, one that makes you want to not fall, and one that does.

If E(1) then check for something to stop E(1), else check for something to allow E(1).

Given that there is a PRETENSE to stop E(1), this would allow that pretense to suddenly show itself to the entry logic gate, and say the equivalent of "ACCESS DENIED" to E(1), where E(1) will try to find a pretense that satisfies it.

E(1) says: If pretense exists THAT satisfies & target has pretense, then attempt to get through AGAIN.

And so on and so forth. I'd have more examples for ~, and |, but I really can't think of anything…

If ~E(1), then relax.

So yeah. That's just a minor look into logic and the like. It shall be continued in my next look at it. ENJOY?



Amarin 17 years, 6 months ago

Yay for logic. =D

rofl @ random pic

Amarin 17 years, 6 months ago

Oh, and love the music. Beginning Sin is awesome. =D

sirxemic 17 years, 6 months ago

Your CAPTCHA image reminded me that I still have a CAPTCHA image on my computer which I found on

sirxemic 17 years, 6 months ago
s 17 years, 6 months ago

Here, we have just defined what logic ultimately is: The ability to make choices based on certain pretenses or rules. Now, let us go further into logic…

That is the end

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 6 months ago

Cat: That would be the flying spaghetti monster having sex with an anthrmorphic cat. And nice CAPTCHa there. Haha. I never get any good CAPTCHA's from MySpace.

Serprex: Nevaz.

ludamad 17 years, 6 months ago

Just watch it mahfreen, some of those random ones are kinda explicit to be on a blog (I got one that was just FULL FORCE and a penis).

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 6 months ago
