Lian'röh [MFA]

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Dec. 18, 2007, 5:19 p.m.

What do I have to say today? I'm not entirely sure. So I'm just going to write.

Today, I started work on my DnD campaign. It's set on a continent that I started designing, a continent by the name of Lian'röh. It consists of multiple cities, villages, metropolises, and people. The central area of the continent, the metropolis Zentrith, is, accordingly, the economic center of the entire continent. Therein the trade organization that regulates imports, exports, and the entire economy of the continent itself is located. Exactly in the center, too. It's the only place on the continent to feature what we would call "tenement houses," made of pure mithral. They stretch up to at max, 40 floors. The population of Zentrith is about 600,000, the city itself being at least 200 miles from one side to any other side. Yes, A very large place. Zentrith is where the king of Lian'röh resides, in the northern part of the city.

On the sides of Zentrith are the four main cities of the continent: Degat, home of the bards, and the Quicktongue guild, famed for its brilliant bards; Drachon, famed for the spellcasters who live there, rumoured to be formed by wyrms taken to human form; Rï'inth, the home of all warriors, and the center for strategic war operations within Lian'röh; and Filium, the political center of this continent.

On to other details of the continent. There are two other metropolises: Grooteveld, and Ortlemagne.

Grooteveld is the educational center of the continent. It's about, if not completely as big as, Zentrith. It has two residential sections zoned, one in the southwest corner, and one in the northeast. Every other part of it is educational zoning. Colleges, primary schools, et cetera. Each residential zone has at least 200,000 people living there. This area is where one of the most famous residents of Lian'röh, Rósz, the most educated barbarian in the land, and the dignitary between the continent, and the area on the northeast part of the map, Barbaricius, the home of the barbarians.

The final metropolis is named Ortlemagne, and is the labourial center of the continent. In the center, the continent's livestock market and reserve is located. It is the most fertile location on the continent, therefore making this area the agricultural center of the content. It is situated on the leg of the continent, in between the coasts of Hextor and Heironeous. This area is where Pöl, the supposed founder of the continent, resides. He is as old as the continent (650 years). Just as well, Tr'yr lives here, the only person to ever escape from Ynselnr. Consequently, he's insane.

To explain what Ynselnr is, it's an island to the northwest of the continent. It is rumoured that magical beings live there. Every now and then, search parties go there to explore. They never come back, with the exception of Tr'yr.

On the northeast end of Lian'röh is the Land Of No Return, a desert gated off from the rest of the continent (think the desert in Gerudo Valley, although that isn't the best example), and on the other side of that desert, Barbaricius, the land of the barbarians, and the area where Sabat, king of the barbarians, resides.

The continent is a self-governing colony in a way. It is ruled under what they like to call an empire, but it's more similar to democracy. There's many rights that the people have, most of which are the same rights as those of an American Citizen. However, their legal system has an interesting side to it. Any sentencing to legal punishment has an amount of time associated to it. Throughout a person's life, they can accumulate what is known as positive time, by doing good deeds. The amount of time they accumulate is determined by the deed, and the focus of it. For instance, let's say that someone built a new city on the north part of the continent. Now, that's already a good deed, unless it was meant to be a base of evil. The amount of good is attributed to the focus of the city. Let's say this person built it, without being paid or anything, for the good of the entire continent. THat would be a good deed worth, say, 50 years. Any time that person commits a crime, they can choose to opt out of taking legal punishment by taking time away from their positive time equal to the amount of time given for the legal punishment, unless the charge is something severe, such as terrorism.

The person can choose to opt out within court, if they so wish, OR, go through with the punishment for a while, and let the negative time decrement. For instance, they could stay half the time, then opt out for only half the total amount of time they would have had to if they opted out in court.

No good deed goes undocumented in Lian'röh. And yes, that is literal. Every last thing that someone does is documented somewhere.

Anyways, that's the most important points of the continent. I didn't go over any of the towns or villages, though. Just metropolises and continents. So yeah. There's a lot more to say.


Amarin 17 years, 2 months ago

I created my realm of Varlon, not for DnD or anything, but for my own game, which hasn't gotten off the ground (Because GM doesn't do anywhere near enough of what I want it to do)

Sounds complex, yet you say you're lazy, and yet you came up with this.

Josea 17 years, 2 months ago

Guess that making something like this took me about 7 years, and it isn't even as complete. Imagining the Arpiego continent was a job of several years…..I should write stuff about it =)

BTW, what the heck is DnD?

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 2 months ago

Purianite: Just because I'm lazy doesn't mean there are certain things that I excel at. Especially when I'm bored. I have to start planning for DMing next semester in the gaming club, so I'm creating a world where I can host adventures, et cetera.

Josea: Dungeons and Dragons. Role playing game.

JoshDreamland 17 years, 2 months ago

I hate being bored. Knocking holes in the table. And such.

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 2 months ago

Knocking holes in the table requires a bit too much work. I prefer to stare off into space. And dream. And then suddenly wake up and fall out of my chair.

gamehawk 17 years, 2 months ago

DnD is so much different than GM. Yeah, creating your own campaigns is fun. I just use a simple roleplaying system that depends on making custom campaigns. So much fun. It's too bad I haven't had the time to play recently.

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 2 months ago

Gamehawk: No shit, it's so much different than GM. GM = a computer program to make games. DnD = a role-playing game system previously designed, with the concept of characters, campaigns, and stuff like that built into it.

Haha. Sorry if I came off as an asshole saying that. 'twas an accident. Anyways, point is… DnD kicks some major ass.

stampede 17 years, 2 months ago

DnD's awesome o/

I didn't read that whole thing, but how can so new continent (only 650 years) be so big and populated? And have entire metropolises, which is made of Mithril? Rich ground maybe? Was those big cities planned carefully before building, I.E. there is whole city dedicated to education and doesn't have lot of normal housing? Big cities doesn't construct like that in my opinion. They're not very realistic.

And don't take these as "FUCK YOU, YOUR STORY SUCKS", but as advices. You should think HOW they got all that Mithril and HOW "Educational Metropolis" became to that and so on :)

EDIT: Well, it's your story. Realism is over-respected. I'm writing a world, which has things that can't ever be real :D

MahFreenAmeh 17 years, 2 months ago

Stampede: It is only 650 years old, however, it was originally populated by Pöl, along with a team of at least 50,000 people. He had them come in on seperate ships. Anyways, it started out as just a few villages around the outer perimeter, but the people started spanning out more and more, and more people began moving to the continent. It's big and populated because of its popularity, and political ideals. They got the mithril because Barbaricius, and the Land Of No Return, before they started being inhabited by evil, were a natural mithril source. From there, the people that spanned out, after reproducing, as is natural of human nature, felt that there should be more built.

When I say he is as old as the continent, I suppose I should make it clear that this is just the rumour that is going around. No one was on the continent 650 years ago but he and his men, and most of his men are dead, as they were humans and dwarves mostly. No one is around to refute his claims of being the original founder, so most people assume that, as he is the oldest known person there. There may be older people, but he likes to claim that he was the original founder of it.

As to the real story, I haven't gotten to that.

The big cities weren't planned out beforehand, they just kinda sprung up as a joint effort of all of the civillians working together to better their city. And, technically, Grooteveld does have a lot of normal housing, at least 100,000 square miles of it. It was originally planned for there to be a so-called "collegiate city" originally. Everything else just sort of sprung up over time, as more people immigrated over to the continent.

Even so. Yep. Realism is over-respected. And this is Dungeons and Dragons. Where does it say it has to be realistic? Haha.

gamehawk 17 years, 2 months ago

No no, I was talking to Purianite. He seemed to be connecting them when they're (mostly) unconnected. Personally I prefer story telling over realism and since I like to include all my friends (who don't want to spend a load of time learning a huge system), I stick an (obscure) d4 and d12 system. It does what it's meant to, and that's how I like it.