Must Kill Tedfuzz

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on July 2, 2006, 2:35 a.m.

Hello, 64Digits Republic! It is i, MahFreenAmeh.. bleh. Fuck the regality. Anyways, i feel good. I recently started listening to GG Allin, a true Rock 'n' Roller if there ever was one. This blog may be short, i'm not too sure. I don't have any PS works today, nor do i have any C4D Works. But, i do have my recent VB Works! First up, we have… <A HREF="

">An msn Bot</A> that i have been working on. In terms of chatting, it's worthless, but it does automate tasks. Just a forewarning, the Signin Function does NOT work. For those of you who never got it, here is the <A HREF=""> Name Length</A> Program. And, finally, we have the <A HREF="">Pseudo-RAndom Number Generator</a> which generates a new number every 5 seconds in the textbox. Anyways, i'm getting kinda bored, so meh. Anyone have any ideas for something for me to do with either VB or C4D? Also, i have started up a new website. It isn't open to the public… YET. But, i'll leave the link to it when i have it worked up to be presented. Peace. For now. -sigh- My blogs suck, don't they? XD. No, they don't suck. Chiken just sucks. More than anything else on earth. Soyeah. Anyways. KTHXBAI.

Blah blah blah, i have to kill Tedfuzz. It seems that he lives in austin, 20 miles south from me. Anyone who rips off that much stuff. DEAD. Where's My knife? Where's my ride to austin? DAMN IT! Oh well.


flashback 18 years, 7 months ago

If you kill Tedfuzz I want footage of it >:{

Alpha Man 18 years, 7 months ago

Can I EDIT:please help? :D

Tasm 18 years, 7 months ago

Quote: Mahfreenameh
Chiken just sucks. More than anything else on earth.

So there ARE more sane people here.

cactus 18 years, 7 months ago

You can kill Tedfuzz in many different ways in my game Ted's Wet Adventure. You can use bees, fire, dinosaurs, and big monkey. See my blog or go here:

I'll probably post it on 64digits too, someday soon.