
Posted by Majatek on May 7, 2008, 9:02 p.m.

Righto, of we go on another acid trip giving regards to the white-coat over-large spectacle wearing dip-sh*ts @ microsoft for "inventing" something closely along the lines of macintosh's internet explorer Safari. Yes, it is Vista - a new monster in the room of my school, the stupid dinging ringtone of the logon screen when turned on played right next to me. Why did I start of with critisizing Vista?

It sucks so badly that no matter how many pre-beta, alpha, wip productions they make of the badly named Longhorn (Which interestly sounds like some kind of perverted sicko japan porn flick gone terribly wrong when grabbed by the people who made the PS3 so that it would not be compatible with previous PS2-1 games, which sucks) any better than macintosh with it's fabled and tottally ripped off gfx from the OSX version of Mac and Safari by over-exposing all the blur settings and glass window skinning to make the computer chug-along so badly you need 2gb of ram.

That's right, 2gb of ram MINIMUM. Just so that microsofts monster program can somehow make the other half of the ram practically non-existant to your programs that you are "trying" to run on a duel-core, just because of the try-hard-wannabe-mac-esque-scuker-of-a-cr*p that vista pro comes with.

Along with 7 other versions of Vista not including a godamn "how to sellect the correct vista" manual which is a complete pain in the butt, and if you manage to read this entire post in it's entirety, congratulations for ignoring the many typos of this article bacause I simply cannot be arsed to review this review.

Oh, and I wanna kill those "clever" bastards at microsoft for planning to axe the sales of windows XP just for their own overly-bloated MS bugget that they fling at every games, stealing Halo for example (originally for Mac) which inadvertedly brings up the point that Crysis also failed along with vista.

Somehow the game manages to chunk on a fabled duel/quad-core vista machine PC from the future coming from out-of-space from more than likely more technological possesed alien-ufo-flying-covenant-halo-ripoff-aliens.. Where was I? - Oh, yeah - with their big-@ss budget that they fling at everything axing the sales of windows XP to further the sales of Vista.

PS, i am developing a stickman game based on the many stickman killing sprees flash-movies that you can find on stickpage.com

Is it just me, or are my posts for my blog getting longer?? O_o


Obilisk nudged me to put some paragraphs.


Majatek 16 years, 10 months ago

It seems that whenever someone posts a review reguarding Windows or Macintosh, someone gets flamed. :(

Why cant we all just agree that Windows did a bad thing with Vista?

Juju 16 years, 10 months ago

Just a stylistic note, swear or don't swear at all… Don't use clichéd censoring. It's not needed here at 64Digits! We're free! =D

Firebird 16 years, 10 months ago

any better than macintosh with it's fabled and tottally ripped off gfx from the OSX version of Mac and Safari by over-exposing all the blur settings and glass window skinning to make the computer chug-along so badly you need 2gb of ram.
If you don't want Aero enabled, don't enable it. I fail to see where Microsoft has taken any graphics from OSX as well.

That's right, 2gb of ram MINIMUM. Just so that microsofts monster program can somehow make the other half of the ram practically non-existant to your programs that you are "trying" to run on a duel-core, just because of the try-hard-wannabe-mac-esque-scuker-of-a-cr*p that vista pro comes with.
This might be a problem, if you couldn't disable Aero and if you have a computer that's about 5 years old. 2GB of good PC2-6400 is under $100 now days.

stealing Halo for example (originally for Mac) which inadvertedly brings up the point that Crysis also failed along with vista.
Have a cry. No one hates on Valve because they ate up all the modding teams and stole their games. I'd also like to know how Crysis failed. IS it because you can't run it? That's not failing - that's progress.

DesertFox 16 years, 10 months ago

It seems that whenever someone posts a review reguarding Windows or Macintosh, someone gets flamed. :(

Why cant we all just agree that Windows did a bad thing with Vista?

*looks at that last sentence, and then walks away whistling innocently…*

Xxypher 16 years, 10 months ago

<3 Vista.

Castypher 16 years, 10 months ago

Everyone hates Vista, and we all know how TERRIBLE it is. So stop complaining.

Vista ftw.

Josea 16 years, 10 months ago

And suddenly writing this improved your situation? It's sort of hypocritical to rant about Vista and Mricosoft, yet you use XP, Hotmail, MSN messenger, Office and probably own a Xbox 360.

Quietus 16 years, 10 months ago

I'd be using Linux if it weren't for the awesome need of non-Linux programs for many many of my classes.
Wouldn't we all? =P

Majatek 16 years, 10 months ago

The ONLY reason I dislike vista is because of what MS is doing with it. Kicking out XP and replacing the sales with vista ones!!! X<

PS, Firebird, Actually I can play vista on a friends PC (And it still chunks, with all those things stuck in it, being overclocked!)

PS, Josea, I only own one thing out of the entire(-ely non-complete) list you have there, XP.

Majatek 16 years, 10 months ago

Plus, the Crysis game, while awsome to play - is very bugged. It chunks and groans along on any PC/Mac computer on high settings! Especcially the very last bit, with all those aliens flying about - you only get a max 40 fps out of it, regularly plunging to th low 30's.