RamboFox shows his face!

Posted by Majatek on Oct. 30, 2010, 7:11 p.m.

Random facts about me :D


String knots are super-easy for me to untangle

I can meow like a kitten (you wouldn't tell the difference between my meow, and the real deal) - but I'm still working on my purr.

I can sing in key as high as Amika and Freddy Mercury

I'm not that good at maths, but quite competent at programming.

I love gaming, and writing games.

I despise LED lights on keyboard/computer/monitor - I prefer watching dark movies in dark rooms, and these LED lights constantly piss me off with their blinking. To fix the problem, I plastered Blu Tac over all the lights on my PC, monitor, keyboard and speakers.

My joints are quite flexible, and I can bend my fingers into hundreds of combinations - useful for fishing out something that fell behind the couch (Meaning, I am double-jointed nearly everywhere).

At College, I am called by my online name (RamboFox) by my art teachers.

I am also known as "the man with a thousand voices" by my friends, due to the ability of putting on voices (I can replicate Stitch's voice, among others)

I walk faster than I should.

I can't stand mild heat (I prefer cold, wintry weather)

I replicate like splitting starfish - masturbation takes on a new meaning with me.

I rarely ever fall - my balance outstrips every person I have met so far.

I swim quite well - this is partly due to my leg's structure.

I once had a skin condition when I was young. My hands are still slightly scarred from that time.

At times, I may annoy people (like you) - and not realize it. Give me a heads up when I do, 'aight?

My German side shows through my narrow face (finding glasses is annoyingly difficult)

I perceive fluorescent lights as blinking on/off rapidly - this is partly due to my brain operating at a high frequency (yes, I took a test that confirmed that).

I'm skinny, yet strong enough to work in hard labor activities - and I have helped in assisting my step-dad building houses.

I love going on walkabout's in the middle of the night when it's appropriate (Whut?)

I don't like parties that much - especially disco's. Too loud for my sensitive ears.

When I receive stickers, I keep them rather than sticking them anywhere.

I heal from injuries quite fast.

I consume food quite fast too, due to my high metabolism.

I have a knack for asking weird, irrelevant questions.

I love science, as proven by my many books related to organisms, planets, and physics.

I love SID chip music - you know, the ones from old Mario games and Donky-Kong?

I also love many, many other music genres. You may say "huh, when people say that - they only have 2 or 3" - but be warned: don't test me ;P

I compile lists of things in files that are named with random number and letters (Like "dsffjhij2.txt")

Despise that, I organize my files quite well.

Also, my room may be EXTREMELY MESSY, but I know where everything is. All the time.

My family linage is Polish (Yes, I did have Jew ancestors), German, and quite a couple that are yet to be traced.

Oh, and I recently caught a flu because my sister was sick for a week, and then decided to sneeze in my direction. Damnit.

Well, I'm alright I guess - my nose isn't runny, but my throat sure is screwed.

*jumps onto Qwilderwibben's face photo bandwagon*

Also, I have one glove there because I like to be able to draw with my right hand (Pencils always slip out of a gloved hand - an artist would know).


Mush 14 years, 4 months ago

lol simulpost.

Rob 14 years, 4 months ago

lol 8:55pm. lol GMT-5

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

Interesting, but I have been able to survive on what people should not be able to survive on.

A chocolate diet for one, is the worst thing you can think of due to the amount of energy they contain. I won a competition once, got shittons of chocolate, and went broke shortly after that. Weeks of chocolate for breakfast lunch and dinner had no effect on me.

Rob 14 years, 4 months ago

The human body is good at adapting. If you were eating 2kg of chocolate every single day, then maybe this would be note-worthy. Chocolate isn't that high in energy, really.

This just goes to show that you know nothing about nutrition and think you're some kind of special flower. You're not unique. Cut it out. Now.

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

Rob is flexing his muscles. Hmmm.

Well if you don't believe in high body metabolism, then why have I stayed thin, yet other few people who have a better diet have stayed fat?

Rob 14 years, 4 months ago

Because those other people were filthy liars who ate other stuff without telling you.

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago



Mush 14 years, 4 months ago

Because you don't eat as much as you think you do, and those who are fat eat more than you/they think they do.

If you want to prove that you have high metabolism, then count the number of cals you eat and prove us wrong.

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

I think I'll have to - or at least go to a licensed Doctor and test how screwed up my body is. There's simply no way of telling what's going on inside just by looking.


Rob 14 years, 4 months ago

There's a 1:3,000,000 chance you could have a genuine overactive thyroid, but I strongly doubt that. I mean, that must mean half of Americans got lucky with their 1:3,000,000 chance of getting an underactive thyroid, right?! RIGHT?! IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT, IT'S ALL GENETICS!