I didn't win it.

Also, time to play i-spy!
Nero icon
Halo CE icon
Paint.NET icon
10 Nerf-like darts
"Ford Racing"
A working pair of foam-piece headphones and two Logitech speakers
Halo REACH ONI symbol
Arse-end of a Bumblebee
3D glasses from a movie "Journey to the Center of the Earth" remake
Xbox 360 controller recharger
Atari Controller key
Powerplug cover/protector
Dog poop shaped tin foil
Wired xbox360 headphone missing the foam-cover and head strap
A drinking-straw
In other, more interesting (And content filled news):
I got a new scooter (This time it hopefully won't fall apart when I cruise down highways) - I've started making the profile manager for that Retro Racers game, and I managed to find one of my old sidescrolling platform shooter games that I will remake when I find the spare time! :D
For those who are wondering how it will look like, here's a sample of some sprites that I pixelled quite a while ago:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3179138/And here are the weapons that you shall be using:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3134639/(Remember to click "Full View" if it doesn't look right!)
Good lord.
Mine's worse, it's call candy wrappers, dead things, and disturbing artwork.
Disturbing artwork? Hah!
I'm a furry! FEAR MY FOLDERS AND WHAT INDESCRIBABLE THINGS THEY CONTAIN.Oh, and I found a dead mouse in my socks draw - all dried out and crispy because the dumb thing thought it might be cool to set up nest in the drawer that was right next to my heater.True cool story bro.Wow…mine is actually quite clean compared to yours, holy shat.
If you had an equally ugly background under all that the world would asplodes
I want to do a study on my theorized correlation between a messy unkempt desktop (not the table, actual icons on the screen), and depression. :)
Nerf Streamlines and Buzz-Bee darts? Hmm.
Ah. I've got the Rapid Fire Rifle and the Recon CS-6, myself.
Yeah that desk is nothing.