I didn't win it.

Also, time to play i-spy!
Nero icon
Halo CE icon
Paint.NET icon
10 Nerf-like darts
"Ford Racing"
A working pair of foam-piece headphones and two Logitech speakers
Halo REACH ONI symbol
Arse-end of a Bumblebee
3D glasses from a movie "Journey to the Center of the Earth" remake
Xbox 360 controller recharger
Atari Controller key
Powerplug cover/protector
Dog poop shaped tin foil
Wired xbox360 headphone missing the foam-cover and head strap
A drinking-straw
In other, more interesting (And content filled news):
I got a new scooter (This time it hopefully won't fall apart when I cruise down highways) - I've started making the profile manager for that Retro Racers game, and I managed to find one of my old sidescrolling platform shooter games that I will remake when I find the spare time! :D
For those who are wondering how it will look like, here's a sample of some sprites that I pixelled quite a while ago:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3179138/And here are the weapons that you shall be using:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3134639/(Remember to click "Full View" if it doesn't look right!)
Show me a desktop that's "something", then. :P