Attention to all Minecrafters

Posted by Majatek on Nov. 13, 2010, 11:54 p.m.

In case you're late to the party, there's a Game Maker version of it - and it's not that bad!

You can create/place/destroy blocks in the exact same manner that Minecraft does and move about, jump and such (But it is a little glitchy because you can slide between two blocks).

Download GM Minecraft

Not made by me - made by a user on the GMC by the name of "Whaddsoft".

In other news: I was suspended off of an art website just for supporting gay rights and disproving bigoted opinions provided by religious extremists. What I find interesting is that I said nothing racist (I didn't even swear) and they (the religious extremists) didn't like what I said, so they went and whined to the moderators of said art website, claiming that I was "attacking" them. Shortly after that, I was suspended from there for about a week - I still am - yet they were attacking gay rights in general, and as such, they should have been suspended, not I.

What bullshit.

I suppose butthurt 'tards will be butthurt 'tards who whine to moderators on a daily basis. Eh.

Oh, and inb4 you guys whining about me not supporting religion. I don't hate it, and the only reason why I disproved the religious extremists on that art site was because they were attacking people's personal preferences, freely throwing around the "you are sinning" and similar quotes such as "being gay is sin".

I honestly don't care if someone is religious or not, but when it starts stepping upon the toes of other people's personal preferences, that's when it's gone too far.

Anyway, I gotta go and work on my multimedia projects.


DesertFox 14 years, 3 months ago

What are you arguing? Just on the matter of the site of discussion or the matter as a whole? One is based on opinions, and the other is based on rights.

Oh, I'm arguing for the right to express one's opinions, as a whole. Basically, you cannot have pro-gay without allowing anti-gay, because they are both covered under the same right. I do not support intolerance, just the right to express an opinion. I am in fact quite firmly against sexual discrimination. Hence the Voltaire quote.

In a nutshell, you cannot express your opinion without also allowing others to express theirs. By claiming that others have no right to express an opinion (because of intolerance), you are in fact voiding your own right to express that claim (by being intolerant of their view). I believe the term 'ipso facto' is applicable here.

If you truly believe in equal rights and tolerance, then that must include the right to oppose your view, else it is not truly equal rights, but instead 'equal rights for everyone that agrees with me'. If you don't agree with me, well, that is your right to opinion, which is the whole basis of my postulation. You are, by my own argument, entitled to your own opinion.

For the record, I am very strongly against discrimination on the basis of sexuality. I disapprove of bigotry in any form, and I believe that it is a small-minded view of the world. I am also, in a way, placing my trust in that 64Digits will be mature and actually read/understand what I wrote - which is that one should be careful to not become a bigot themselves when expressing disagreement.

Castypher 14 years, 3 months ago

Good point. Being able to see the other side, regardless of how much you might disagree with it, shows tolerance.

Damn, it's fun seeing DF argue.

Polystyrene Man 14 years, 3 months ago

Damn, it's fun seeing DF argue.
Ever since he got that new avatar, man…

Quietus 14 years, 3 months ago

@hel: You're just being silly now.
are you missing abstract thought, the ability to perceive metaphors, or both? just wondering.

and DF, you're one step away from sounding like the libertarians who talk about "racism is bad but businesses should be able to say no black allowed if they choose". i live in a place where there is no such thing as being quietly anti-gay, if someone even thinks you are they may choose to make your life a living hell. but of course you can vaguely argue for people's right to do that because you are not affected by it.

the bottom line is you shouldn't encourage people into thinking it's okay to relentlessly spout their hate speech no matter who it's directed at.

and people who talk about choice in this matter are full of shit, do you *choose* the kinds of music you like? no, it's just what you are naturally drawn to.

Cesque 14 years, 3 months ago

Because if it's both… better watch out for hel this weekend. Or, as the newspapers call him, The Abstract Metaphor Killer.

DesertFox 14 years, 3 months ago

@hel - you completely misunderstand my argument. My argument is only towards choice - and I am pretty sure that one's race is not a choice. I also make no comment on whether or not it is morally acceptable to hold certain opinions - only that everyone has the right to their own opinion regardless of the morality of that opinion.

In addition to all of this, I only mention the right to expression and opinion. "Making someone's life a living hell" because they are black or gay is most certainly not just expression or opinion - it is action that impedes on that person's rights just as much as stealing from them, or throwing them in jail without cause.

Please do not take my discourse to extreme and incorrect lengths. Please do not try and make my discourse into something that it is not.

Quietus 14 years, 3 months ago

Because being black/some other race isn't a choice, whereas 'personal preference', by definition, is.
there's no point in arguing with someone who holds this view. end of discussion.

BP Scraps 14 years, 3 months ago

oh hey gm minecraft cool

Castypher 14 years, 3 months ago

'personal preference'
And here we have a whole other argument we can resort to if we get bored.

Quietus 14 years, 3 months ago

no there is no argument, people who say it's a choice are full of shit and that's it. you can't just change what you like like it's not going to affect you in some way.