Attention to all Minecrafters

Posted by Majatek on Nov. 13, 2010, 11:54 p.m.

In case you're late to the party, there's a Game Maker version of it - and it's not that bad!

You can create/place/destroy blocks in the exact same manner that Minecraft does and move about, jump and such (But it is a little glitchy because you can slide between two blocks).

Download GM Minecraft

Not made by me - made by a user on the GMC by the name of "Whaddsoft".

In other news: I was suspended off of an art website just for supporting gay rights and disproving bigoted opinions provided by religious extremists. What I find interesting is that I said nothing racist (I didn't even swear) and they (the religious extremists) didn't like what I said, so they went and whined to the moderators of said art website, claiming that I was "attacking" them. Shortly after that, I was suspended from there for about a week - I still am - yet they were attacking gay rights in general, and as such, they should have been suspended, not I.

What bullshit.

I suppose butthurt 'tards will be butthurt 'tards who whine to moderators on a daily basis. Eh.

Oh, and inb4 you guys whining about me not supporting religion. I don't hate it, and the only reason why I disproved the religious extremists on that art site was because they were attacking people's personal preferences, freely throwing around the "you are sinning" and similar quotes such as "being gay is sin".

I honestly don't care if someone is religious or not, but when it starts stepping upon the toes of other people's personal preferences, that's when it's gone too far.

Anyway, I gotta go and work on my multimedia projects.


DesertFox 14 years, 3 months ago

Because being black/some other race isn't a choice, whereas 'personal preference', by definition, is.
there's no point in arguing with someone who holds this view. end of discussion.

I was speaking of 'personal preference' on any matter, and not sexuality. If I had meant 'sexual orientation', I would have said 'sexual orientation' Preference literally is, by definition, a choice. See here. If sexual orientation is not a choice, then 'sexual preference' is a misnomer - which is why I prefer to use the term 'orientation' over 'preference' in that matter.

Neither was I making an argument that being gay is a choice. Whether or not it is a choice or is genetic is not understood and probably won't ever be, so I tried to avoid that area. I made allowances for this fact in my discourse here by broadening the scope of my argument to opinions and expression as a whole because my argument is not about sexuality - it is about opinions and the freedom of expression, and the limitations and rights to others that it implies

If you think I am full of shit, try re-reading my posts. And I quote:

Quote: in regards to whether or not being gay is a choice
@KaBob - and therein, as they say, lies the rub. If it (whatever 'it' is) is not actually a choice, then basing a negative opinion on 'it' is wrong as well as ignorant :3

In this, I was referencing KaBob's mention of how whether or not gay is a choice is important. I very clearly state that if something is not a choice, then basing intolerance on that something is wrong.

So don't assume I'm some sort of anti-gay zealot. My best friend and roommate is gay. If somebody insulted him because of that, I would stick up for him and call them ignorant and short-sighted bigots - and I can because my argument works both ways. The very basis of my postulation is about what gives someone the right to protest against anti-gay discrimination.

Majatek 14 years, 3 months ago

^Lolno, it's feeding my pageviews and the comment count in my journals /ego.

Still, DesertFox argued all the points correctly, so I need not say anything more - I agree with it all anyway :P

Toast 14 years, 3 months ago

Actually, RamboFox, in belated response in fact the real irony here is that everybody knows that everybody knows and it's just a darned hoot ticklin' y'all. Plus your posting of Captain Obvious deserves at least one /trollface and several /facepalms. Thxkbaigtfoblargaflarg

sk8m8trix 14 years, 3 months ago

A lot of artists at this school are gay, they usually mingle on the 4th floor of the library looking for a good fuck.

Misconstruct 14 years, 3 months ago

Who cares? Some people like penis up their butt. Deal with it.

colseed 14 years, 3 months ago

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I just used this argument in a similar discussion somewhere else…

MMOnologueguy 14 years, 3 months ago

I'm with DesertFox on the free speech thing. When you tell bigots they have no right to be bigots the persecution just gives them an illusory moral high ground.

Even if homosexuality is a choice, why does that matter anyway? I'm no fan of marriage or the military but see no reason why anyone would want to exclude homosexuals from them. Unless the homophobes are homosexual themselves and just wants to save as many of their kind as they can from war and suburban disenchantment.

What's a lot more immediately interesting than this issue is your ban from that one site. It's the same kind of tragic comedy as laughing at Glenn Beck. Are there any links or screenshots?