Networking D: Help plox.

Posted by Majatek on Dec. 7, 2010, 3:41 a.m.

Fuckin' networks, how do they work? I know how they work, but this has got me stumped.

I got my internet connection solved and all, but what I'm trying to achieve is to share my wireless connection (That connects to my wireless modem) by wiring an xbox360 with an Ethernet cable to my computer and then sharing the signals my wireless card on my PC receives and then distributing them between my PC, and then the xbox (I haven't figured it out yet though).

I've got 4 network connections set up thus far;

Local Area Connection - This is connected by an Ethernet cable to my xbox.

VirtualBox Host-Only Network - A "dummy" connection (disabled, not needed)

Wireless Network Connection - Connects to my wireless modem via the connection below:

Wireless Network Connection 2 - Receives signals from my WiFi card. It's the "main host" connection that allows me to communicate with other WiFi hardware through my WiFi card.

The problem is that I can only share the LAN connection with the Wireless Network Connection number 2 - if I try to share it with my first Wireless Connection, it replaces it entirely and I lose internet connectivity.

Grrr. I'm a geek an angry geek and I can't get this to work. Fffffff–

FIXED - It turns out I was canceling out other connections instead of bifurcating them by bridging the signals :B

Also, it's been slow going. I finally managed to unblock my MAC address just last night (After hours of screwing around wondering why my WiFi card wouldn't communicate with my modem I figured out that it was my modem being a secure little bitch and didn't have my PC's MAC address under "allowed" networks.)

Also, side news - My sister and I had an awesome time pwning noobs over Halo Combat Evolved online. I was the spotter and the sniper of my 8-man (and girl) team, sniping opposing tanks and other forms of resistance while my sister went out in various Ghosts and Banshees to capture 2 flags (The opposing team was leading by 2 when we first joined) to finally receive help from another one of our ranks to bring our captured flags score to a grand total of 3, which won us the round.


SixWinged 14 years, 2 months ago

LINGERANCE: <OMGBOT> 64D: Networking D: Help plox. by RamboFox (at <– IF any of you know that guy tell him to try bridging the two connections he wants shared to, then share with the bridge interface.

^^ From your friends on IRC.

Majatek 14 years, 2 months ago

Ah, but to bridge them with that method I need two LAN connections - I have one LAN connection and one WiFi (I want to bridge the LAN over to the WiFi so that my xbawx gets the signal data from my second network connection and be able to send packets o' data back).

flashback 14 years, 2 months ago

Based on your description, it sounds like you're trying to bridge from the wired connection to the wireless, which is the opposite of you want. Double-check that, though I'm pretty sure this is just a communication issue.

Majatek 14 years, 2 months ago

Actually, I did want to bridge it - and I found out what I was doing wrong.

It turned out that I was trying to share a connection (Which effectively meant for my PC to share only the connections and ignore everything else) rather than "bifurcating" the signals via bridging.

The problem's fixed now :3