And… v3 is out…. Ehhh I was hoping for something less mangled.
I'm not an old bean yet though, and for some reason it says that I joined this year (?).Also, I had to bring in my PC for repairs yesterday, so I won't be online as long as I wish to be - that, and the Retro Racers Reloaded project has been put on hold. So far I've got a laps system fully implemented, near-perfect AI (It's pretty effing good at keeping on the course) and I'm soon (ish) going to compile it into a playable demo next week, as soon as I get my PC back of course.This also means that I won't be on xboxLive for quite a while (as I use my PC as the modem to connect to the internet) - My GamerTag is Majatek if you want to add me - so far the games that I have are Halo Reach, Halo 3, and Lost Planet 2.Oh and I don't like the new 64Digits logo. It looks inbred.:|THOUGH I DO LIKE THE NEW BIG TEXT
No, says you joined in April 2008.
Anyone else seeing text jumbled together at the end?"Joined 64Digits on January 04, 2011 20:54"
idkmybffjill, works for me.
The site is faling apart. I get logged out all the time, random programming errors popping up on the screen? jquery ajax showing info out of nowhere.
Needs some work.Also, pm system is completely and utterly screwed to hell. Returns errors each time I try to poke the server with a ping or two LOL.
Oh and it looks like my "joined date" only shows the wrong information when I'm logged in. When I'm logged out/other users are looking it, it's just fine.AND OH GOD THE BAR AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE IS PISSING ME OFF WITH IT'S ERRORS.The reason why the bar is pissing me off is that it randomly jumps all over my page occasionally hiding what I'm typing.
And I'm constantly being logged out.And when I try to report a bug, I get logged out GEE FFFFFTHANKS I CANNOT HELP IF YOU'RE SCREWING ME OVER.:c
uhhh?Sorry about all of that guys… I was working on adding BBcode to comments. I'll explain it in a blog.
Inbred is exactly what it looks like. I couldn't have put it more eloquently than that.