And… v3 is out…. Ehhh I was hoping for something less mangled.
I'm not an old bean yet though, and for some reason it says that I joined this year (?).Also, I had to bring in my PC for repairs yesterday, so I won't be online as long as I wish to be - that, and the Retro Racers Reloaded project has been put on hold. So far I've got a laps system fully implemented, near-perfect AI (It's pretty effing good at keeping on the course) and I'm soon (ish) going to compile it into a playable demo next week, as soon as I get my PC back of course.This also means that I won't be on xboxLive for quite a while (as I use my PC as the modem to connect to the internet) - My GamerTag is Majatek if you want to add me - so far the games that I have are Halo Reach, Halo 3, and Lost Planet 2.Oh and I don't like the new 64Digits logo. It looks inbred.:|THOUGH I DO LIKE THE NEW BIG TEXT
Toast is right. I don't like inbred text on my 64D. >=(
To each his own
And why is 64Digits turning into 4chan?
And why is 64Digits turning into 4chan?
FIX THIS SHIT. /rageGood news: I might be getting my PC back tomorrow :3